Chapter ten

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Izzie's pov:

I laid on Casey's bed as she entered the room and closed the door. Dealing with my mom's bullshit was a major source of stress. My face was buried in a pillow and I felt her kiss the back of my neck. I swallowed hard and turned around to face her.

"Come on, I'm sure your siblings will be fine." She said smiling softly.

"I honestly dont know, I'm scared that my mom is gonna pull another stunt at my grandma's house." I groaned.

Casey sat down next to me pulled me up so I was sitting upright. She pressed her forehead against mine and stared deep into my eyes. Her ability to make me nervous was unparalleled.

"Its gonna be okay," she whispered and I let out a breath I didnt know I was holding in.

Our lips were centimetres apart when the door opened. Fuck! I thought as I quickly pulled away from Casey. We weren't even kissing but I still got really shocked.

"Oh sorry girls, I had no idea you were back." Said Elsa innocently as she stood in the doorway holding a laundry basket.

"Jesus, don't you know how to knock?" Casey grumbled.

"Sorry." She said setting the basket down and walking out.

Casey threw a pillow at the door and fell back onto the bed. I couldn't help but admire her body as she lay there.

"Quit staring weirdo." She laughed clearly noticing my stares.

I blushed profusely and looked around like I just noticed that the room had a ceiling. I felt the bed move as Casey sat up and hugged me from the back. We sat there in silence enjoying each other's company when my phone beeped. It was a text from Daniel.

I sighed in relief and set my phone down on the side table as I laid on Casey's chest

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I sighed in relief and set my phone down on the side table as I laid on Casey's chest. She hugged me tightly and looked down at me.

"Everything ok?" She asked slightly concerned.

"For once, yes," I said, "Can I stay for th night?"

"Do you even have to ask?" She said smirking, "Of course."

Casey's pov:

It was 3 AM and I couldn't sleep. Izzie had drifted off in my arms a while ago and was now fast asleep. I ran my hand up and down her back as I tried to push back several thoughts that entered my head. We had school that day and I was really worried about Nate. More so now that we were back in school. To make matters worse, she has a class with him that I dont take.

Dont overthink it Casey, she'll be fine. I thought trying to snap myself out of it. I slipped into an uneasy rest as my worries didnt go away.

I was woken up my my deafening alarm blaring in my ear and I quickly shut it off. Izzie stirred awake and slowly opened her eyes.

"Morning." She groaned, half awake.

"Hey," I said and kissed her forehead.

I got up and showered as izzie did the same. Thank god it was casual dress day, I really didnt feel like wearing the uniform today. Once I got dressed, I sat on the end of my bed and waited for izzie to finish getting ready.

"Earrings or no?" She said holding up a pair of hoop earrings.

"Definitely wear them," I replied, remembering how cute she looked in them, "But hurry uppppp we're gonna be late."

She giggled and finished up as we walked downstairs. The house was surprisingly quiet now that sam moved out. I no longer had to dodge a million Antarctica facts on the way to the car.

"Good morning girls." Beamed Elsa as she made fried eggs on the stove.

"Good morning Mrs. Gardner." Said izzie smiling just as wide.

My dad and I just kind of groaned and nodded at each other as a greeting. We sat down, quickly ate and were out the  door soon enough. We were blasting music as I sped down the road up until we pulled into the clayton parking lot.

Our laughter as we got out of the car was instantly stopped when we heard a voice approaching us. It was nate, unfortunately. If he touches Izzie, I'm killing him. I thought bitterly.

"Wow, so you two are serious about this." He scoffed as he walked up to us.

"What the fuck do you want, Nate?" Izzie asked angrily. I was slightly shocked by the anger in her tone.

He threw his hands up in defence, "Hey  no need to get hostile, just here to check on our friendly neighbourhood f**gots."

I was prepared to punch him then and there but izzie grabbed my wrist. I stepped slightly closer to him and his smile grew wider.

"Listen here you little shit, back off or else." I spoke.

"Or else what?" He asked mockingly.

Before I could answer (or murder him) he walked off chuckling. My hand curled into a fist and my breathing became heavy as I wat had him walk away. Izzie pressed a small kiss against my cheek and some of my anger left my body.

"He's not worth it, okay?" She said sweetly, running her thumb up and down my hand.

"I know," I sighed, "He's just such an asshole."

"Let's get to class." She smiled, walking and pulling me along.

This was about to be a long day.

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