Chapter six

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Casey's pov:

The end of summer break was painful. Really painful. Mainly because with track and all the homework I wouldn't really have time to spend with izzie. Especially because I was going for UCLA. My alarm going off snapped me out of my thoughts and I peeled myself out of bed to shower.

I was walking up to the entrance of the school when felt someone tap my shoulder. Luckily it was izzie. "Hey Newton," she beamed as she kissed my cheek. "Hey, what's got you all energetic?" I questioned since she was practically bouncing up and down. "Nothing much, just really excited." She said in a poor attempt to be nonchalant. "Excited? Why? School is literally terrible." I groaned. Then my question was answered when she showed me an email she had received saying that some UCLA scouts were keeping an eye on her. "Iz that's great!" I said a bit too loud. "I know! Now we have a shot at going to the best college TOGETHER!" she said grinning from ear to ear.

The rest of the school day was pretty much a drag until track practice. "Alright girls listen up!" Boomed coach crowley, "Our first track meet is October 5th so be sure to keep your skills heightened until then." Though I barely heard her because I was looking at izzie the whole time. I guess crowley noticed. "Ahem, casey do you know what I just said?" She asked looking annoyed. "Uh yeah something about October 5th, got it." I responded, stumbling over my words a bit. Crowley just sighed and dismissed the team.

I went to grab my stuff when I saw izzie coming towards me. "What's up Newton? It's not like you to not listen to crowley." I just shrugged it off and acted like I wasnt just staring at her.

Izzie's pov:

I tried to get changed while ignoring Casey's wandering eyes. I also had to pretend that I didnt know she had been staring at me during the briefing. I laughed to myself as I threw on some jeans and a tshirt and left the locker room to wait for Casey, since she was my ride home.

Once we got there, I gave Casey a kiss goodbye and walked up to my house. Ready for whatever chaos my mother was causing this time, I turned the doorknob. When I entered I was surprised when she wasn't downstairs.

I turned to Daniel who was playing Genshin Impact and asked him where she went. "Shes tripping on pain meds and probably passed out upstairs." He said bluntly. At this point it was up to me and Daniel to manage the house when mom was being stupid. Our childhoods sort of ended when out brother José was born, since that was around the time my dad left. Things sort of spiralled out of control from there.

My conversation with Daniel was interrupted when my mother's asshole of a boyfriend burst into the house. All I did was thank god that José and Luisa weren't at home. Because if they were, the couldn't handle this guy. "Daniel, Isabella." He said smiling creepily at us before making his way upstairs. Then he had a huge fight with her while we were in the house.

I tried my best to ignore them but I never seemed to be able to. That was when Daniel tapped my shoulder. "Dude we gotta get out of here," he said desperately, "I really dont feel like getting involved in what's going on up there." I nodded as I stood up. "Wanna  get pizza?" I asked which lit up his face. He put off his console and we dashed out of the door just in time because we heard our mom coming downstairs.

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