Chapter eight

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Izzie's pov:

The interaction with evan really annoyed me. Who the fuck did he think he was anyway? The worst part is that he acted all goody two shoes in front of Casey. That shit eating grin of his made me want to vomit. I was snapped out of my rage when we pulled up to my house and my younger siblings were sitting outside.

"IZZIE!" beamed Luisa as she ran up and hugged my leg.

"Hey sweetie, what are you guys doing outside the door?" I asked running my hand through her hair.

José scoffed angrily and grumbled, "Mom showed up at Abuela's house earlier and picked us up. Then she got fed up and put us outside."

I began to fume as his words registered in my head. What kind of mother would just abandon her kids when she gets bored? That question had been repeating in my mind for the past eight years of my life. I was about to storm into the house when I felt Daniel grab my arm.

"Calm down, running in there and screaming at mom isnt gonna fix anything." He said sternly staring into my eyes.

I let out a sigh and tried to regain my composure, which was proving to be more difficult than it sounded. I asked Daniel to keep an eye on Luisa and José as I went to handle my mother. My hand trembled as it fell on the doorknob, and I was afraid of what I would find on the inside.

Casey's pov:

The drive to Evan's house was full of panic but I wasn't sure why. It's not like I was scared of evan, I just wanted answers. What I was afraid of were what those answers could be. But I had to make sure izzie was safe, so I shook off any fear that rested in my mind.

As I walked up the driveway, nerves started to build up and a lump formed in my throat. I needed to get this over and done with as soon as possible. When I knocked on the door, I was shocked to see Beth's face on the other side.

"Casey?!" She smiled as she opened the door. "Its been forever since I've seen you, you know you kinda scared me I thought you wanted to stop being friends since the breakup and-"

"Listen beth, I just need to talk to evan." I said cutting her off.

"Oh okay. Hes in there." She said disappointedly as she moved out of the way.

I nodded as I walked past her trying to build up any courage I had. I swallowed hard as I opened the door to Evan's room. He grinned widely as I walked in but for some reason it made me want to hurl. He was playing video games and, as usual, his room looked like a warzone.

"Hey case," he started, his grin getting bigger, "What inspired the sudden visit?"

"We need to talk." I said glaring at him slightly.

"Oh, have you finally come to your senses?" He smirked.

A puzzled expression fell on my face, "What the hell are you talking about?"

He replaced the smirk with a serious face as he said, "Look, I don't have a problem with experimentation but I knew you'd snap out of it and realize that you belong with me."

I was so disgusted that he thought I'd come here to make up. I loved izzie, a lot, and I had no interest in getting back with him.

"Okay woah. First of all, not experimenting, I'm happy in a stable relationship. Secondly, I'm just here to tell you to stop bothering my girlfriend." I said, my voice almost reaching a shout.

He slowly stood up and I stepped backwards, unsure of what was about to happen next.

"Come on, we had a connection." He said grabbing my wrist.

"Get off me!" I yelled, trying to wrench out of his grip, but it only tightened.

His face got closer to mine and before I knew it, I'd punched him. He fell to the ground clutching his nose and cursing loudly.

I ran out, avoiding Beth's questions, and drove away fast.

Izzie's pov:

I turned the doorknob and I was horrified to find my mom exchanging spit with a guy I'd never seen before.

"Mom!" I yelled to get her attention.

That caused her to jump and the guy crawled off of her and retreated to the kitchen. I eyed my mom up and down, barely able to recognize her anymore.

"Jesus, you could at least be decent and knock." She slurred loudly, clearly drunk.

"Dont you dare lecture me about decency when you left two young children outside in the cold." I spat angrily.

She groaned and stepped closer to me much to my discomfort. The smell of alcohol in her breath filled my nostrils, increasing my already high levels of disgust.

"Listen," she started before burping "I did what needed to be done okay? Those kids are a pain in my ass."

"Then you should've just left them at granny's house where they'd be safe!" I yelled, completely fed up with her bullshit.

"I dont have time for this." She mumbled before grabbing her boy toy and walking out of the door.

The next thing I heard was a car speeding off and Luisa crying. Daniel walked in carrying her with a disgruntled look on his face. I sighed before covering my face with my hands. Every time I tried to understand what was going on, my head hurt.

"Sorry if you had any plans for the week." Daniel sighed rubbing my shoulder before disappearing up the stairs with Luisa.

I was startled by José's voice as he stood in the doorway.

"I'm so tired of mom's crap." He grumbled angrily.

"Hey buddy, its gonna be okay." I said trying to calm him down.

"Is it though?" he sighed exasperatedly "Nothing is ever okay anymore. It started with dad leaving, and now everything is out of control."

I wanted to say something, but before j could, he ran up the stairs. I sat on the couch and buried my head in my knees, praying for things to get better. Or at least be normal.

Damn I haven't updated this in a while. But if anyone wanted it, here ya go.

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