Chapter fifteen

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Casey's pov:

The cabin was pretty big. It was divided into three sections; girls sleeping area, boys sleeping area, and a common area which had some couches and the kitchen.

"Whew, the walk up here was not a joke." Nate groaned as he walked into the room.

"True. So what do we do now?" Izzie asked looking around.

"Sleep, preferably." I sighed and everyone nodded. I checked the time and it was almost 8 PM.

"Yeah we can start doing fun shit tomorrow, I'm exhausted." Jayson chuckled as he disappeared into the boys area.

"Later." Izzie replied as she walked into the girls area.

That left me and Nate in the common room. I looked him up and down before groaning and leaving. I sighed heavily as I walked into the girls room and collapsed face first onto a bed.

Izzie walked over and placed her hand on my back, telling me to be positive. I had no clue how I could do that considering we were spending a week in the woods with Nate of all people.

"Stop being a grouch and go to bed." Izzie instructed, throwing my stuff at me so I could change.

"Okay okay, I'm changing. Gosh." I sighed as I quickly changed.

I slid into the bed and Izzie quickly followed. I was lying on my side so I could hold her entire body. She was warm, it was nice. I closed my eyes and played with her hair before falling into an uncomfortable sleep.

Izzie's pov:

During breakfast, we all made a decision to go on a hike. Casey was unintentionally faster than everyone even though she was just walking. Jayson and Casey were pretty far ahead which just left me and Nate. Ugh.

"Hey um, Izzie?" He whispered getting closer to me.

"What is it Nate?" I groaned looking at him.

"Does Casey hate me or something?" He asked as if he didn't already know the answer.

"Well duh, you've done a bunch of shitty things and never apologized to her, idiot." I whispered angrily.

I started to walk faster but he caught up to me. "Well then how can I fix it?"

Running my hand down my face, I sighed. "Just apologize then give her some space."

I jogged over to Casey and Jayson who were looking at deer in the distance. Nate's drama wasn't going to stop me from seeing awesome nature stuff. I looked back and saw Nate standing with his hand on his chin, thinking about something. Not that I cared anyway.

Casey's pov:

"Let's have a campfire!" Jayson yelled as we got back to the cabin.

"Theres one problem with that brilliant idea, Einstein. We've got an axe but no firewood." Nate scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Well you and Casey are physically the strongest, so just go get some." Izzie interjected.

"Woah woah hold on one se-" I tried to say.

"Okay, its decided, Nate and Casey will go get firewood." Jayson announced smiling as he handed me the axe.

I smiled thinking about the last time I held an axe in Sam's apartment. Oh well, it's their fault if Nate mysteriously dies in the woods.

We trekked through the forests chopping down any small trees we could find. I was on axe duty and I made Nate carry the wood. He kept trying to speak but I honestly had no interest in what he had to say. Although I was kind of curious because I saw him talking to izzie earlier.

Nate's pov:

I kept trying to apologize but every time I opened my mouth, Casey cut me off or ignored me. I had about a pound of wood in my arms and we were about to turn back. This was my last chance to say something.

"Casey, liste-" I started.

"No Nate, you listen, if you think you can threaten me or whatever, you're wrong. I just want to enjoy this trip without your crap." She stated, cutting me off.

She stormed off by herself and I ran after her. I tried to softly grab her shoulder but she violently shoved me off, falling in the process, and cutting her arm on a sharp rock. I immediately went to go help her but I was met with resistance once again.

"Get away from me." She groaned bitterly.

"Casey just listen! I'm trying to help you here. I know I've been a terrible person to both you and Izzie for a long time and I'm so sorry. But I've been taking counseling and figuring myself out and I just want to fix things. I can't do that if you die of a wound infection in the middle of nowhere so for fucks sake, let me help you!" I yelled.

She sighed heavily, "Fine."

I opened my bag and got out some disinfectant and bandages that I took on the hike. She flexed her fingers and winced slightly before standing and picking up the axe.

"Thanks Nate, you didn't have to do that." She said swallowing hard.

"Its no big deal. And you know Izzie would kill us both if something happened to you." I joked.

"Yeah," she said with a light laugh, "Now lets head back, they're probably worried."

So I did decide to redeem Nate. Mainly bc I need him as supporting cast for a bigger antagonist I have planned. But it's whatever.

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