Chapter twenty-four

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Izzie's pov:

I'd been ignoring Casey's calls and texts to process what I saw. I had no proof that she was actually lying but I also had evidence that suggested she was.

That's what hurt most. I couldn't convince myself that she was telling the truth. I wanted to so badly but I just couldn't. Staring at my ceiling wasn't going to help me know what to do so I decided to go for a run. It was more of a last ditch attempt to think clearly. It's not that I didn't trust Casey, I loved and trusted her more than anything else. I just wasn't able to stop picturing her with that girl.

I realized that I ran pretty far so it was a good time to take a break. Luckily, the run did clear my head a bit. As a result  I knew what I needed to talk to her eventually, just not right away.

Perhaps it was also my jealousy that stopped me from seeing her explanation as the truth. Either way, it wasn't like I could avoid her forever. A part of me really didn't want to lose her. I nodded to myself and got up to keep running.

Images of Casey and the girl flashed in and out of my mind, causing anger to fuel my pace. I stopped to take a breath before turning around. Choosing to go back home, I ran in the direction of my house. I'd talk to her eventually, but for now I couldn't bring myself to do that without crying or yelling at her.

Casey's pov:

Izzie. Izzie. Izzie. Her name repeated a million times in my head. 10 hours without talking to her. It was driving me crazy, especially because there was nothing I could do about it. I started to regret ever going out. Maybe Izzie wouldn't hate me if I had just stayed at home. I covered my face with a pillow and screamed. This could possibly be the worst weekend of my life.

"Honey is everything okay?" Elsa asked, opening the door.

"No, bye." I turned away from her in an unsuccessful attempt to make her leave.

She sat on my bed next to me and stroked my hair, which made me angrier. I didn't want to feel better. I didn't deserve to feel better. Not when Izzie was upset with me. I needed to fix this somehow but I had no idea how to.

"Okay, I can tell when I'm not wanted. But I'm here if you want to talk."


Elsa kissed the top of my head and left. I laid on the floor and looked up at the ceiling. I missed Izzie like crazy. But the fact that I was left on read was enough to tell me that she wasn't my biggest fan right now. I hated it.

All I wanted was to hold her close. That wasn't gonna happen any time soon though. The only thing I could do was give her some space. I'd never forgive myself if I pushed her too hard and she left for good. I stared at the clock in my room and watched the time tick by.

I began to get restless as another day passed without me seeing Izzie. It took a lot of pacing and nail biting for me to work up the courage, but I had to see her. I didnt even take a car. I walked out of my door and ran. Running was good for clearing my mind. It helped me try to work out what to say to her.

When I got to her door, I almost turned back around. All the confidence I'd mustered up evaporated the second my hand touched the doorknob. I was about to leave when the door opened.

"Casey?" José furrowed his eyebrows at me. "Uh come in."

"Heyyyyy little man." I made awkward finger guns and immediately cringed at myself .

"She's upstairs." He said quietly. Now was the first time I realised how much he looked like Izzie. Down to the way he stood.

"One more thing," he started as I got to the staircase, "I dont know what you did, but she's sad. Please fix it."

I sighed and nodded at him before turning and going up the stairs. He was right. I needed to at least try to fix things with Izzie. Even if it killed me.

Izzie's pov:

I was studying when I heard a soft knock at my door.

"Come in!"

My face fell when I saw who was at the door. Casey. Part of me was really happy to see her. The other, smaller, part wanted to throw her out. The saddened smile on her face almost made me forget why I was mad at her. Almost, but not fully.

"What are you doing here?" I narrowed my eyes.

"I'm here to apologise. I gave you the most half assed explanation earlier and I'm sorry. But I need you to know that I wasn't and would never cheat on you."

"Really? Then what the hell did I see?"

Casey sighed, looking at me. "She came onto me. I tried to stop her but she wouldn't take no."

"And that's the whole truth?"

"Yes Izzie. I don't know what to say. I love you  but there's nothing more I can say to defend myself. Believe me if you want to Izzie."

As she turned around, it finally hit me that she wasn't lying. I immediately felt like a dumbass. Well, I had to do something. Fast. She was about to leave and I couldn't risk her leaving forever.

"Wait Casey." I grabbed her wrist.

"I have to apologise too. I've been acting like a crazy bitch and I didnt even listen to your side of the story. I don't even have any reason to think you'd cheat on me."

She sighed in relief and held my hand. "So we're good?"

"We're good."

I let out a deep breath as she kissed me. I'd been missing her kisses for two whole days. They never ceased to drive me crazy. I couldn't enjoy the kiss for long though. I heard a voice I immediately recognised downstairs. The voice of my mother.

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