How they meet

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We first meet when I was attempting to take my life. Yuri passes a key which is assumed to belong to his dorm room. I tried to say thank him but the pink hair man takes off afterwards.

Fujisaki becomes obsessed with Yuri for saving his life. He repeatedly stalks him. Eventually, the Yarichin-Bitch-bu come to confront him. When confronted, Fujisaki apologizes and confesses his feelings for Yuri. 

Most of the members are quite bothered by this, mostly, Toono Takashi . They ask him to stop, but soon Yuri comes in and dismisses all of the problems.

Toru POV's:

It was been a day since the photograph club(yarichin b club) confronted me. Yuri-kun saved me again before I got in bigger trouble. I love Yuri-kun so much.

While jimmy was daydreaming all of a sudden the bell rings. When jimmy was grabbing his stuff to go find yuri-kun all of sudden someone banged on the desk jimmy was shocked he looked up in fear.


You're yuri's stalker from yesterday right?

Jimmy nodded his head

Well my president wants you to come to club now.

Jimmy: o-ok 

Jimmy POV:

I wonder why they want me what if they don't allow me to see Yuri-kun anymore what if they will rape me!?

The whole time they were walking jimmy kept on thinking what they will do to him that when they got there he wasn't listening to tamura anymore.

Tamura is getting irritated and shouts


Jimmy: y-es tamura- kun

Tamura: We are here

Jimmy: o-ok 

Tamura opened the door and they both go inside the clubroom where they find everyone including yacchan for some reason 

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