The Date :Part 12

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After hearing that Shikatani was scared for himself and his friends

With the yarichin bitch club 

What do you mean you haven't found him yet! Akemi shouted

The policeman : Please stop shouting please! We still need to search the old warehouses so come down

Akemi : Fine I am sorry can we help with the search please I want to know where he is? 

The policeman: No it's too dangerous for a couple of teenagers. 

Kashima & Toono: Please we want to help please 

Yacchan & Tamura: Come on! Please

Itome: We will be careful just let us help instead of waiting here doing nothing

The policeman sighed : Fine! You can help but put this bulletproof vest and we will teach you all to shoot a gun.

The policeman sighed : Fine! You can help but put this bulletproof vest and we will teach you all to shoot a gun

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Me: This is what the police vest looks like on each yarichin bitch club member including yacchan 

With Yuri & jimmy:

Yuri: We alwmost thwere ba—-

Yuri saw jimmy sleeping cutely while having his head on yuri's arm

Yuri saw jimmy sleeping cutely while having his head on yuri's arm

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Me: This is supposed Jimmy but Imagine him on Yuri's arm

Yuri kisses Jimmy's forehead then brought  his attention back to the road

After 10 minutes they arrived 

Yuri looked at jimmy who was still sleeping 

Yuri pov : He looks so cute when he sleeping. I really don't want to wake him up

Yuri pulls out his phone and takes a picture of Jimmy before waking him up

Jimmy slowly wakes up then gave Yuri the cutest smile he has ever seen

Yuri blushes and quickly looks away 

Jimmy: A-Are we here

Yuri : Y-yews 

Yuri x jimmyWhere stories live. Discover now