Matsumura!? :Part 13

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The man(???)smiles maliciously: Hello Shikatani, Its been a while

The Yarichin Bitch Club remained in a tense standoff, the air thick with uncertainty and tension.

Revealed himself, and his sinister presence hung over the room.

SHIKATANI (voice quivering) Matsumura.

Matsumura, the formerly abusive chemistry teacher who had a twisted love for Shikatani but got fired, emerged from the shadows.

Matsumura (sinister): Look who we have  here the yarichin bitch club and Shikatani!

Matsumura moves closer to Shikatani and lifts his face to look at him more: You probably thought you got rid of me. However, I love you so much that I'll do anything to get you. (looks at the yarichin bitch club

Matsumura: Starting with them! (looks at everyone and get mad): Zach:

Zach: Yes Sir!

Matsumura: Where is the rest of them?! Where's the pink hair one and that black hair one!

Zach: I know where they are bu---

Matsumura: But what! ( his voice goes higher): I WANT EVERYONE HERE NOW AND I WANT TO DESTROY ALL OF THEM NOW! 

Zach gets mad:  I don't mind if you and I get rid of everyone including the pink one but I won't let you have Jimmy I want him!

Matsumura(smirks): Fine you can have your little toy and I'll have mine. But we need all of them here. So if you don't want anything to happened to your sister. you better do as I say!

Toono & Kashima notices Zach's face going scared and crazy:

Toono & Kashima notices Zach's face going scared and crazy:

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Imagine this is Zach's face with Matsumura next to him:

Zach (scared): I-I U-Understand Sir I get them before tomorrow night

Zach disappears into the darkness 

Matsumura: Now I guess we will have to wait until he gets back then We will faintly be together Shikantani:

Everyone freezes in place and modified 


Back with Yuri and Jimmy:

Yuri and Jimmy took a seat at a table near the edge of the restaurant's outdoor patio. The sun was beginning to set, casting a warm, golden glow over the entire scene. They shared a peaceful moment, admiring the beauty of the ocean and the way the sunlight danced on its surface.

Yuri couldn't help but steal glances at Jimmy, who had the cutest smile on his face. It was a smile that warmed Yuri's heart and made him feel like the luckiest person in the world.

After a while, they ordered their favorite dishes and spent the evening chatting, laughing, and stealing affectionate glances at each other. As the night deepened, the sky became a canvas of stars, and the restaurant's soft, ambient lighting created a romantic and cozy atmosphere.

Jimmy started to feel the pain in his stomach again

As they finished their meal, Yuri reached across the table and held Jimmy's hand, looking deep into his eyes. Their fingers interlocked, and a deep connection passed between them, making them feel closer than ever before.

Yuri blushes: "Fujisaki, I love yo--."

Jimmy interrupts and kisses Yuri

Jimmy interrupts and kisses Yuri

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The couple shared a tender kiss, sealing their love in that beautiful moment.

After their romantic dinner, they made their way back to their cozy hotel room, where they continued to enjoy each other's company and the breathtaking view of the ocean from their balcony. It was a night filled with love, laughter, and sweet memories.

All of a sudden Jimmy pain stomach increases by a lot and becomes dizzy; starts to fall down

Yuri catches jimmy before he hit the ground 

Yuri: "Jimmy  are you okay?!"

Jimmy says softly; Ye-ah j-just dizzy sorry I r-ruin the m-mood.

Yuri: No no itws okay(kisses jimmy's forehead ) Lets gwo to bwed.

Yuri puts jimmy on the bed with a worry look on his face. 

Jimmy says softly and sleepy: Hey its okay I am fin-- (falls asleep)

Yuri smiles, and snuggled close, cherishing the warmth of the night but then yuri notices something on Jimmy's stomach and his eyes widened 

This is the image on Jimmy's stomach

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This is the image on Jimmy's stomach

Yuri then looks at his stalker's cute face and thought: I'll just ask him tomorrow.

Yuri falls asleep while pulling Jimmy closer to him.


With Zach who is hiding in a tree cross the road:

Zach: Ugh! How dare he! Jimmy is mine and no one else's. I have to find a way to get them both with causing an alarm:

Zach thought for a few moments then smirks: I have just the idea for this. 

Authors notes:

What will happened next? How will the yarichin bitch club escape? Will Yuri and Jimmy find out what's going on? And what is Zach planning to do?

Hey guys sorry it took while to make this I am really sorry but thanks for liking my stories Love you all ❤️☺️🥰

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2023 ⏰

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