The man behind everything! :Part 13

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Continued: All of a sudden the main door opens and a man walks in

Everyone's faces got white ——


The man smirked and started to laugh

The man was --- Matsumura! (the recently fired chemistry teacher)

Shikatani (nervous voice): W-hat are y- you doing h-here

Matsumura: I want you back you didn't think I was going to leave you alone forever did you? (Laughs)

Akemi: Leaves us alone! (shouted)

Matsumura: quickly looks at Akemi and goes to him(bends down).

Matsumura: Not so confident now are we? You can't blackmail me since wait we aren't at school and you don't have a phone!

Itome (worried) that he might hurt Akemi.Leaves Akemi-kun alone!

Matsumura: Hmm.. Fine.. maybe.. (looks at Toono and smirks)  Goes over to Toono and puts his hand around his neck

Toono : W-what are y-you doing l-leave me A- !

Matsumura: ( Grabs Toono by the throat)

Me: This is what he is doing right now minus the blood

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Me: This is what he is doing right now minus the blood

Kashima: Let him go !!!

Matsumura: Awww you are trying to help your little boyfriend that nice! ( Tights grip)

Shikatani: I would do anything just let Toono go!

Matsumura: Anything you say? hmmm? Fine.. ( lets go of Toono and looks at Shikatani )

Toono falls to the ground and chokes 

Matsumura: And what will you do? My little Shikatani? 

Shikatani (tears in his eyes and quiet voice): I- I w-will do a-anything just l-leave them a-alone

Matsumura(Smiles): Ok then Zack take everyone and go

Zack: Wait! Hold on I get something out of this to right!

Matsumura OH! Right!(snaps fingers) Ok what do you want and since you been a good boy I will give you two things

Zack: I want that Fujisaki guy and I want the money you promised me Step-dad! 

Everyone  except Zack and Matsumura were shocked

Matsumura: (Laughs) Well looks like someone fell in love. Well I'll get you that guy but WE need to get rid of that Yuri person before anything.

Shikatani (mad): If you touch anyone of my friends! I wouldn't go quietly!

Matsumura (ticks tongue and walks to Shikatani)

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