Police station:Part 7

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Everyone got up in a fast movement from Akemi scream.

Akemi got off the phone 5 minutes after

Akemi turned to them

Akemi: Yuri and jimmy got attacked by the man and jimmy got hurt. They are checking the cameras but nothing yet of how the man escaped.

Toono and kashima: What?! 

Tamura: we know stalker is hurt what about yuri.

Akemi: Yuri only got a few cuts and a small cut on his head but he is fully fine.

Akemi was mad but was mad at himself.

Itome notice this and hugged Akemi from the back.

Akemi gave him a kiss on his cheek.

Police officer: Here I need you guys to fill out these papers and you ( he pointed it to Akemi and Itome) have to come with me for some questions.

Everyone were writing what happened on the ride. 

Akemi and Itome were holding hands and went with the policeman.

Back to Yuri and jimmy.

The doctors check the Yuri and jimmy gently when they were asleep so they don't wake up.

Time skip to 1 hour later

Yuri wakes up and the doctor tells him Jimmy can come back in a few hours to the hospital just so they can check the room.

Jimmy wakes up but still half asleep in yuri's arms

Jimmy: Warm( gives a small smile)

Yuri woke up and smiles: Hello babu~

Jimmy blushed when he finally realized where he was.

Jimmy: y-Yuri-kun good morning(blushes hard) smiles

Yuri POV : He looks so cute let's take him somewhere pretty. Akemi said they weren't be back until a while so. He won't may if I just —-

Jimmy gives Yuri a little kiss on his lips( blushes hard)

Yuri was shocked and smiled.

Yuri: Babu~ wanna cume with mie?

Jimmy is excited: Sure!

They both started laughing

They soon got out of the hospital and promised the doctor that they will be back in three hours

The doctor just smiled and waved them goodbye 👋 

Yuri and Jimmy walked to the nearest restaurant 

Yuri got the beef ramen and Jimmy got the Kitsune Soba.



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Time skip 30 minutes and had paid for their meal.

Yuri already looked up a place to take Fujisaki.

They went to this hill covered with roses and at the top of the hill was a Sakura blossom tree.

Me: Image this with roses all over and with a tree at the top.

Jimmy: It's so pretty ( jimmy's eyes lit up)

Yuri and jimmy sat down near the tree but Yuri couldn't help but stare at Jimmy's eyes 

Jimmy: Yuri-kun how d-did you know I liked roses 

Yuri (normal voice): I thought the flowers looked pretty (whispers: like you)

Jimmy gave a smile 

Yuri and Jimmy's POV: Maybe I should tell him about myself 

Yuri decided to talk to jimmy with his normal voice so he can understand him.

Jimmy: D-do you want t-to know about me ( blushes but gives a small cute smile)

Yuri: Sure~ then after yow I'll tell you about myself Babu~

They both smiled when cuddling with a blanket over them. Jimmy opens his mouth 


The man watches them from a far in anger. 

Authors notes

What will happened ? And Yuri will talk about himself so will jimmy? And jimmy is a badass he kissed Yuri 🤩 on his own.

Thanks guy for 900 views❤️❤️❤️

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