Love Tunnel ❤️❤️ :Part 5

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In the dark  tunnel 

 Jimmy said " It's so dark I can't see".

All of a sudden magically beautiful lights appear .

Jimmy said " Wow it's so pretty" Jimmy's eyes lightened up

Yuri looked at Jimmy's eyes and didn't realize Jimmy was looking at him now.

Jimmy: U-um yuri-kun (blushes hard) why are y-ou looking at me.

Yuri: babu luuks pretty ( Yuri said with blush behind his sunglasses)

Yuri leans in to kiss jimmy

All of a sudden a lot of heart flowers came raining down and some beautiful calming love music starts playing  .

Yuri and jimmy had started to make out. Jimmy and Yuri look at each other. Jimmy was blushing hard then he felt a hand going down to his butt which made him moan a little 

Jimmy: ahh~

Yuri smirked and was about to take off jimmy pants.

 Then all a sudden technical issue and the boat started to go crazy. 

Everyone in there was screaming then the belts got all of them stuck together with who they got to seat.

 Yuri tries to get out but can't

 Jimmy : Wait y-Yuri-kun I have a pocket knife (cuts the belt ).

They manage to get out, they went to the yaribu members, and got them out.

  Jimmy POV: We all started walking inside the tunnel of love but due to a technical issues.

 Heart arrows started flying to them it's turned into real arrows. Yuri sees a person shooting arrows at them. But then ——

Jimmy gets shoot with one of the arrows on his shoulder and falls down. Yuri goes to him and asked Jimmy is ok.

Yuri: babu okie(concerns).

Jimmy tried his best to smile but was in pain.

Me: the arrow is not deep but its still hurts 

Yuri kisses Jimmy on the forehead But then —

The guy decided to attack them but before he can get to hitting Itome jimmy got up and flip the guy over.

Everyone was shocked but they all started to run and Yuri carried Jimmy in his hands.

Toono and Kashima: Jimmy how did you do that. It's so cool!!🤩

Jimmy: I- I took self defense/ martial arts c-classes.(embarrassed) 

They all went to get jimmy arm packed up. They wondered who and why was that guy trying to attack them.

The guy(???): I got the black hair kid but he is strong. I am sorry sir I couldn't get the others injure.

(???): You have to get all of them now!! I want them in two days and if not your dead!

The guy(???): Y-Yes Sir!

Authors notes:

Is Jimmy going to be ok? And who are these people? 

I will be doing a face reveal if we hit 800 views😁🤩😊☺️❤️❤️Love you all and thanks for 400 views so far.

These videos aren't mine but they are cute 🥰!

If you want me to show my face leave a thumbs up and get to 1k views I know you can do it 🥰🤩🥰

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