🌸Cherry blossom tree: part 11

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Time skip to the morning: 

Yuri woke up and notices his phone was buzzing.

Yuri POV: I need to see who that is maybe it's Tamura? Come to think of it I haven't seen him since after they left the hospital to go to the police station. I want to pick up the phone but I don't want to wake up Babu~

Yuri gives a sad puppy expression

Yuri picks up jimmy and puts him on his chest in a sitting position to not wake him up.

Yuri picks up the phone: Hellwo? 

Tamura: Yuri you little shit why didn't you pick up your phone! Also I need you to make sure Jimmy doesn't leave your side got it!

Yuri: Yewa Whay? Yowu calwled me?

Tamura: Yess you mother ***  Now Shikatani is missing! and I think the guy is coming for jimmy next you dipsh***!

Phone call ended

With Zack who was listening to the conversation the whole time.

Zack throws the phone into the wall.( Screams) I want to Kill these people now! 

(Goes to the computer)

Zack(the man??): Darn it That stupid blueberry hair guy told them. I want that jimmy to be MINE AND ONLY MINE.

Back with Yuri and Jimmy.

Yuri got up slowly so he doesn't wake up Jimmy.

Yuri goes to the shower

5 minutes later:

Jimmy slowly started to open his eyes

Jimmy POV: ouch my stomach hurts. 

Yuri came out from the showers 

Jimmy looks up and blushes hard.

Jimmy looks up and blushes hard

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Me: imagine it's yuri 

Yuri smirked (normal voice): What are you looking at Babu~ 

Jimmy looks away with embarrassment 

Yuri smirked and walked to jimmy and grabs jimmy softly to not hurt him.

Jimmy blushed hard as Yuri pulls him in for a kiss

After a few seconds:

Yuri breaks off the Jimmy's and laughed because Jimmy is blushing hard

Jimmy: y-Yuri w-what do you want to do t-today. (Gives a cute face)

Yuri POV: where should I take him on maybe to a place with a beautiful view. I can't tell him what is happening if I do he will be nervous he whole time.

Yuri normal voice : how about we go on a walk and then we think of something?

Jimmy shined ✨ (with a cute face): Y-yes please 

Jimmy: Ahhhh I get to spend more time with Yuri-kun

They both get ready and left the motel.

Timeskip to 20 minutes 

Jimmy : Yuri - kun what do you want to do?

Yuri: me awnd  ywou  two Cherrwy trwee on thwe easwt siwde of town?

Me: Yuri looked up the place before hand

Jimmy: ok

Jimmy and Yuri went to the motel

Jimmy asked one of the police officers if they can used there car?

Police officer: no you can't use one of our cars but if you go to the right you can use one of my normal cars ok just bring it back without any damage on it ok!

Yuri and jimmy bowed: thank you

the police officer nodded and walked off

They soon found the car

Me: What the car looks like 👍!

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Me: What the car looks like 👍!

Yuri opened the passenger seat for jimmy then closed it and went to go to the driver seats.

Jimmy: Yuri- kun d-do you k-now how to drive.

Yuri started laughing: mwe know how two drwive Babu~

Yuri started to drive

Jimmy POV: Yuri kun could do anythi— Ouch my stomach is hurting again but I must not worry Yuri. Besides it's probably nothing.

With shikatani and Zack:

Shikatani worked up and saw a police officer.

Shikatani started to make noise: Help me I am kidnapped!!

The police officer walked to him and slapped him 

Shikatani was shocked

Zack takes off his disguise : Shut up the boss is coming to get you soon 

Zack started to scream: How dare that Yuri guy put hickeys on my Jimmy ahhhhh!!! Why do I have to be stuck here with you!! 

Zack calmed down: At least I can break them up (smirked) Since I know where they are going since they are in my car which has a tracker on it.

Zack got up and grabbed a knife (puts knife on shikatani's neck) Now tell me everything you know about that Yuri guy or ELSE!

Shikatani started to stutter : n-no you w-won't get j-jimmy because Yuri w-won't let y-you

Zack started laughing like a psycho

Zack: you are lucky my boss wants you alive or I would have killed you long ago!

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Zack: you are lucky my boss wants you alive or I would have killed you long ago!

To be continued...

Author notes:

What will happened to shikatani? What does Zack plan to do? And will the yarichin bitch club find shikatani?

Sorry everyone I been busy but I found time today to do this I hope you like it . I love you all 🥰😊☺️❤️

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