The Begining or Kori's Unfortunate Pink Hair

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Three kids stood huddled under an umbrella at the bus stop. They would've been standing like this even if it weren't for the umbrella though. The one in the bright purple jacket waved her hands excitedly while explaining the comic book she held open in front of the other two.

"Look at his hair! I wish the dye had turned out like that on my hair!" Purple jacket girl, whose name is Kori, exclaimed. The hair dye had turned her hair bright pink.

"Wouldn't you have had to bleach your hair to get it to look like that?" One of the boys asked. His name was Calvin, and his main distinguishing feature was the bright orange paracord necklace with a multicolored clay charm in the center.

"Mom wouldn't let her," This boy was Kori's brother. He wore the same black Wonders of the Younger t-shirt he always did. He responded to Trey.

"Yes, and now I have pink hair!"

"Poison's cool," Trey put in, trying to get off the topic of Kori's hair.

"Yeah, and you think he's ho- Mph, HEY!" Trey had covered her mouth.

"Uh guys? Was that rip there before?" Calvin asked.

"Did you rip my comic?!" Kori turned to him, accusingly.

"No! Look, it's getting bigger!"

They all watched as the rip in the page slowly got wider. On the other side you could see a desert landscape, similar to the one the page had held.

"Maybe we should close it or something?" Calvin offered.

"Uh yeah," Kori attempted to close it, "Guys come help, it's kinda stuck."

"It's a book, how difficult can it be?" The boys grabbed it.

"Hey look, it's working! We did-"

All three kids and the book disappeared from their spot on the sidewalk, and the umbrella fell to the ground.

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