Squid Brain Insults Are So Two Years Ago

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Calvin woke up indoors.

At first he thought he might be back home in his bed and this whole thing had been some really weird dream. He'd tell Kori and Trey about it on the bus and they'd laugh and tell him how cool that would've been if it was real.

But then he felt the pain in his abdomen. It wasn't a dream. Or if it was, it wasn't over yet.

Why did it hurt so much just to breathe?

He remembered Trey yelling something about Dracs, turning around, and then pain. His vision had gotten spotty after that and then he remembered blackness.

A door creaked open and he tried to sit up.

"Take it easy there dude," an afro-ed man walked over to his side and helped him up to a sitting position, "You took a nasty shot, the dracs must've thought you were dead back there. We did too until Neon and I checked you."

"Where am I?"

"You're at our base. I'm Jet Star. Party, Ghoul, and Kobra should be here somewhere with your friends."

"Are they okay?" Calvin perked up at the mention of the others.

"Rose didn't get hurt. Neon's got a couple scrapes, but he's fine. You and Dizzy were the ones we were worried about. She was out when we got there. You of course were the main concern. Blood everywhere."

"Can I see the others?"

"Sure. I'll go get them," Jet Star left the room and Calvin waited.

A minute later Trey burst into the room, followed by Kori, and lastly Avery.

"Hey dude, how's the gunshot wound?" Kori asked.

"Better?" He winced.

"The girls'll love it back home. A tough boyfriend with a bullet wound," She winked at him.

Calvin rolled his eyes at her. He didn't really care for girls as much anymore, but he wasn't gay. Even if he did find himself admiring Trey. Calvin, despite what Kori said, had not caught the gay.

" What happened while I was out?"

"I shot some dracs and then the Fab Four showed up!" Trey gave him the simple version.

"I heard Tr- Neon, yell and shoot a couple before I blacked out. I was out for part of the ride here, but I woke up in the trans am," Kori added.

"Who's the Fab Four?" Calvin felt very left out and confused.

"The Fab Four?! We've explained this to you a million times Blaze!"

Oh yeah, the Fab Four. Kori was always teasing Trey for thinking Party Poison was hot, and when Calvin hadn't understood what they were talking about they had explained basically the entire Killjoy universe to him. It always came back to the Fab Four though.

"Wait! Did you just call me Blaze?!"

"Yes," Trey answered.

"No! Blaze was the weakest sister! I don't want to be called Blaze!" Calvin pouted.

"Was that a Wings of Fire reference?" Avery asked, joining in on the conversation.

All three of the others nodded.

"Yeah, we do that a lot," Trey told her.

"There was even this whole phase where the biggest insult you could call someone was 'squid brain'," Kori added.

Avery giggled, "Seriously?"

"Yeah," Trey nodded solemnly.

"Wow. Who's your favorite character though? Mine's Deathbringer," Avery asked them.

"Turtle," Calvin immediately declared.

"I like Deathbringer too," Trey told her, "But Glory's probably my favorite. Sundew is cool too."

"My favorite's either Moon or Qibli. I don't really know who I like better though," Kori decided very undecidedly.

"Well the best book is the ninth," Calvin stated.

"NO!" Kori and Trey screamed at him.

From another area of the diner the Fab Four heard. They were clearly upset about something, probably involving Blazing Violence. They did a quick nose goes before Poison was elected to be the one to go check on them.

"One, Turtle is cowardly," Kori began.

"B, Qibli is the actual brains behind most spells Turtle casts," Trey adds, clearly not following Kori's way of numbering things off and using letters instead.

"Three," Kori continues, using numbers anyway, "He's a boring character."

"Thirteen is the best book," Trey tells him.

"Thirteen's good, yeah, but I like ten," Kori says.

"Three," Avery shrugs when they all look at her for an opinion.

"No one's dying," Poison informed the other three when he returned to where they were gathered.

"That's good," Jet replied.

"Yeah," Ghoul added.

Kobra's face looked like a -_- emoji. Completely devoid of expression.

Trying week. Have an update.

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