Here Comes the Airplane

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"We need a plan," Trey looked at the other two.

They were seated under a very much dead tree not far from the store. The sun would be setting soon which they all knew meant the desert was about to get absolutely freezing for the night.

"I'm kinda curious what this tastes like," Trey held up a can, "Why don't we open it?"

The can was the kind with the pull tab on it so it came open easily. Inside was a kind of nasty looking substance that looked like dog food, as Kori had previously said.

It didn't look edible. Trey tried it anyway. Making a face, he passed it to Calvin.

"That looks gross," Calvin put some in his mouth and swallowed forcibly.

Kori got the can and tried not to look at it as she plugged her nose before putting it in her mouth, swallowing quickly.

"How'd you do that?" Calvin and Trey watched as she ate more using that method.

Finishing her fifth mouthful, Kori passed him the can, "Don't look, don't think, don't smell, just swallow."

"Okay," Trey plugged his nose, closed his eyes and put some in his mouth. He managed to eat three mouthfuls this time before handing the can to Calvin.

"This actually works?" He still seemed unsure. Glancing down at the spoon he plugged his nose and tried to eat it, then spit it out in disgust.

"Since you clearly can't feed yourself, close your eyes and open up!" Calvin gave her a confused look before doing as told, "Here comes the airplane!" Kori made airplane noises using a baby voice, then stuck the spoon in his mouth.

"Wait! I wanna do that!" Kori handed Trey the spoon.

Calvin gave them an I'm-going-to-murder-you look.

Kori smiled, "Uh ah, baby Cal's got to keep his little eyes closed."

"Here comes the airplane, baby Cal! Open up so the airplane can land!" Trey was having fun with this.

"I hate you guys," 'Baby Cal' mumbled his mouth full, secretly though he was enjoying the attention.

"So what are we going to do about the temperature change?" Kori asked, the can of semi-edible substance now gone.

They all knew the unfortunate answer to her question, they would have to cuddle with each other to keep warm. Kori in particular hated the idea of being in such close proximity with two boys, one of which was her brother. Calvin didn't really like the idea either.

"One of us should stay awake at all times, we don't need to all end up dead," Trey stated.

"I'll take the first watch," Calvin volunteered, he had things to think about tonight.

Kori and Trey curled up on either side of him attempting to use their backpacks as pillows. It wasn't that cold yet but the temperature had dropped and was still dropping.

Trey fell asleep first. Kori had never been an easy sleeper and always struggled to fall asleep. So she contented herself with humming a song softly.

"If you want you can sleep," she told Calvin, "I'll be up for a couple more hours probably."

"Okay, wake me up when you need some rest," he laid down next to her.

Kori sat up, pressing her back against the tree, as she watched the horizon. The sky was clear and the star shone bright.

"There's the Big Dipper," she whispered to herself, before lowering her gaze back to the horizon.

She began humming the song again to herself. (imagine Heroes by David Bowie)

A plan began to form in her mind. A way to survive here, and more importantly save a few lives along the way. It was simple if only stating the goal, but in reality she knew it would be difficult. They'd need a way to earn their trust. And new names, they needed to blend in here.

What would be a cool killjoy name? It needed two parts to it, and had to shorten to something simple as well. She started where she always started with naming anything, song titles. Dizzy! That was a cool name, but it needed another part. Color? Sound? Miracle? Bullet?

Bullet! That was it! Her name would be Dizzy Bullet! The boys could come up with their own names later, they wouldn't like any she came up with for them.

She'd wake Calvin or Trey up in another couple hours, her mind was too busy now.

We can be heroes, for ever and ever, what'd say?

Heroes literally just came on when I was trying to think of a song to use. It deffinitely works for what I wanted in there though. 

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