Chapter 1 - Meet The Queens

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Courtney's POV:
"Do you want to go over all the lines as a refresher during the shows today since none of us are on?" Grace asked us on our way to work.

"Sure" Me and Vicki replied.

We were nearing the arts theatre when we heard a scream somewhere nearby. We all looked at each other and nod. We're not going crazy. We all heard it. Unless I just imagined them nodding. In that case, I am going mad.

We searched around for ten or so minutes and eventually found a small girl lying on the ground in one of the alleyways. She had a thin sweater on so I took off my jacket and laid it on her. I picked her up and said, "She seems unconscious. We should take her inside before she freezes to death, and at least treat all of her injuries." The girls nodded and we all walked the rest of the way to the theatre.

Once we got inside, Millie walked up to us and said, "There you guys are. What took you so long?" Her eyes traveled to the girl I was holding. "Who's she? Do you have a child or something that I don't know about Courts?" She pestered.

"1, we heard a scream and went to check it out, and 2, continuing onto that, no she is but my child, and we found her like this in an alleyway." I replied. "And please be a little quieter as not to wake her up."

Millie gave me a pouty face and then walked off. Grace, Vicki, and I went upstairs into the rehearsal room and laid her on a few chairs after we treated all of her cuts. We grabbed an ice pack for when she wakes up but she was still asleep. We practiced our lines for our most relevant queens we understudy for while until we heard some movement from the other side of the room.

I quietly walked over to where the girl lay and slowly rubbed her shoulder as she woke up. "W-Where am I? W-Who are you?" She asked, sounding very panicked.

"It's ok. You're safe." Vicki said, walking next to me. "You are in the arts theatre, where we work, and we are the alternates here at Six The Musical. I'm Vicki, the lady next to you is Courtney, and the other one is Grace." The girl nodded slowly.

"What's your name?" I asked her.

"I-It's Elizabeth."

"That's a very pretty name" Grace told her.

She smiled in reply and I handed her the ice pack. "Put this on your bruises. It'll help." She took the ice pack from me and winced as she touched a bruise on her leg.

"Are you going to send me back?" Elizabeth asked us after a while.

I shook my head. "If there is a reason not to, we don't have to send you back. Can I ask you something though?" The girl nodded. "Have you been getting abused?"

The girl started shaking and said, "C-Can I trust you guys?"

I nodded and said, "You can definitely trust me but I'm big sure about these two goofballs."

"Oh you're the one to talk, Ms. Courtney "I Hate Fun" Stapleton."

The girls laughed while I pouted. "Mean." I said, then walked off.

"Although to answer your question, yes, you can trust us with anything." Grace told her.

"Ok," She started. I re-joined them and sat down on a nearby chair. "Umm, yes I guess."

She burst out into tears and I reached over, giving her a hug. After she pulled away, I told her, "How would you like to stay with me for the night?" I asked, knowing she had no other place to stay and how brutal foster care can be.

Her eyes lit up at one. "R-Really?" She says excitedly.

I nodded my head. "Yep! Also Grace, didn't the queens say they are coming upstairs between the shows?"

"Oh yeah." Grace replied. "I totally forgot about that. I guess you'll be meeting some more people."

I sensed her getting a little nervous so I said, "It's only six people. If you want I can have them come in a few at a time?"

"N-No it's fine." Eli replied.

"Well, if you say so."

About fifteen minutes later, I heard the megasix start and Eli asked, "What's this song?"

"Well, this is a little thing we do at the end of each show. Is called a megasix. Want to see a video of it? There's tons out there." I explained.

"Oh, umm sure." She replied. I opened YouTube on my phone and searched up megasix. I clicked one of them and played it for Eli. "That's so cool!" She said once it was over.

I was about to reply when I heard the door open. Aimie and Natalie walked in, followed closely by Maiya.

"Hello!" Maiya exclaimed.

"Hi guys!" Aimie said. "Who's this?" She gestured to Elizabeth.

"Oh, that's Eli. She'll be staying with me for a bit." I replied, deciding to let Eli tell them on her own when she's ready. Also there's the fact that she hasn't told me everything either.

"Well nice to meet you El. Is it ok if I call your El?" Millie asked the girl, while walking into the room. Eli nodded and Millie continued. "Also I'm Millie but you can call me Mills if you want. And it's good to see that you're looking better."

"I'm Aimie." Aimie said, walking up to us and putting a hand on Millie's shoulder. Millie then whispered something to her and Aimie nodded.

"Oh no, the beheaded cousins are planning something." Grace whisper yelled dramatically. We all started laughing and poor El had no idea what we were talking about.

Once we stopped laughing and the rest of the queens came in, I said, "We should probably introduce ourselves and tell Eli what the show is about because poor El looked so confused earlier." The rest of the queens agreed and we started to introduce ourselves.

"So I'm Aimie, as you already know, and welcome to this chaotic theatre!"

Millie jokingly punched her on the shoulder and said, "I'm Millie or Mills, as I already said earlier, and Aimie is just exaggerating over there."

Aimie gave her a glare before Nat said, "Hi, I'm Natalie but you can call me Nat if you'd like and don't listen to Millie. It can definitely get pretty chaotic here."

Next, Jaye'J said, "Hello, I'm Jaye'J and welcome."

Next, was Lexi and she said, "Hi! You can call me Alexia or Lexi, either is fine, and I'm now adopting you as my partner in crime."

Next, it was Maiya's turn so she said, "Hello, I'm Maiya and I'm going to be the best Aunt." The other queens all frowned at this.

Next was Grace and then Vicki. "I'm Grace, as you already know, and hello for like the tenth time."

Vicki said, "Hello again, I'm Vicki, you know that already, and umm welcome."

Lastly, I said, "Hi, I'm Courtney, and you are stuck with me now."

Natalie said, "We should explain the show now. Its called Six The Musical and basically, it's a musical where Henry the Eighth's six wives are competing over who had the worst live." Eli nodded and we all talked for a bit until the stage manager kicked us out of the theatre.

"You're staying with me tonight." I told her. "You'll never escapes me. MWA HA HA!!" I said, giving my best evil laugh. She giggled a bit at that and we walked back to my house, happily chatting.

1392 words

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