Chapter 19 - Christmas Fun

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Eli's POV:
I woke up bright and early to a great feeling. It was Christmas today! I ran down the hall to see a bunch of presents underneath the Christmas tree. I smiled widely and ran over to wake up Courtney and Eloise. "Wake up, it's Christmas!" I yelled, jumping up and down on their bed. "But it's 5 in the morning!" Eloise whined. "Pleaseeeee," I begged giving my best puppy eyes. "Fine. You really need to stop taking your mothers bad habits." I stuck my tongue out at her at ran into the living room, ready to open up presents.

Eventually, both of my parents came out and I started begging them to open up the gifts. "After we eat breakfast," Courtney said. As she said this, I realized I was starving and ran into the kitchen. I grabbed myself a box of cereal, which I could finally reach, and quickly gobbled it up.

After I everyone was done eating, we gathered in the living room and opened up the presents we got from each other. "Me first!" I yelled excitedly handing both of my mothers their presents. I gave Eloise a card with a drawing of the three of us inside and I gave Courtney a card with a picture of the two of us at the Arts theatre. They both thanked me for their cards and then mum gave me her present. I opened it to reveal a new sketchbook with some colored pencils. I hugged her in thanks and then looked over at mama. "This is technically from both of us but shhhh," Courtney said, leading me over to the backyard. I opened the door to see an excited puppy jumping around. The puppy was like a little white ball of fluff when I picked it up. I turned back around and gave my parents a big smile before running back into the house to chase the dog around. Eventually I caught the dog in the kitchen while mama walked over to me. "What's its name?" I asked curiously. "Well I wanted Banjo but Eloise wanted Charlie. What do you say? Any ideas?" Courtney asked. I thought about it for a few seconds before deciding on a name. "Coco!" I shouted. "I actually quite like that," mum said walking into the room. "Coco it is then!" mama declared. Coco barked in reply and I gave him a big hug. "So how about going to the pet store to get some dog for Coco? E have to be back before 4 because we are meeting at Aimie's house at 5." I nodded and we headed off to the pet store with Coco sitting on my lap.

We arrived at the pet store and had to put Coco on a leash. We first picked out a collar as they were right next to the entrance. I chose a dark grey bone with the name "Coco" engraved in it. We also got a Christmas themed collar which Coco helped pick out. We then got him a soft rectangular bed and a few balls to play with. We then went over to the food section and picked out some doggy food for the puppy and I grabbed some treats for him. While Courtney was grabbing a few more stuff, I went over to the fish section with Eloise to look at all of the pretty creatures. I found a really pretty blue beta fish and asked Eloise if I could get it, which she reluctantly agreed. One of the workers got the fish for us and since we already had a fish tank at home we just grabbed done food for it.

Once we got home, we set everything up and I played ball with Courtney and Coco. Eventually Eloise came out saying it was time to go, much to my dismay. We had to leave Coco behind so we put him in his new crate and left to Aunt Aimie's house.

I knocked on the door and Gen answered it, inviting us inside. "Hello!" I said excitedly, entering the living room where most of the queens were. "Hello munchkin!" Millie greeted ruffling my hair. "Do you have a good Christmas?" I nodded excitedly and started telling her all about the dog we got. After I was done talking, Wolfe came up to me and started nuzzling my leg. I came up with the conclusion that he must've been jealous I was taking about another dog. I reached down and picked Wolfe up and put him on my lap, continuing to pet him.

Soon everyone else arrived and we ate a Christmas dinner together. We then stayed up most of the night watching various Christmas movies. When I say we all stayed up, I mean that everyone but me stayed up, me falling asleep around one in the morning. The next morning Aimie made some cinnamon rolls for everyone and I ate them up happily chatting with the rest of the queens. It was times like these I was thankful for the family I had. Sometimes I would wonder if I made the right decision by going with Courtney but it wasn't an unsure thought now. I was certain that I made the right choice.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2021 ⏰

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