Chapter 13 - Death Day

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"You've got this Collette!" Vicki said to Collette, who was a little nervous as she was making her Six debut today as Jane Seymour.

"Thanks." Collette replied, taking a sip of water.

The queens all got their in ears checked and soon the show started.

Collette's POV:
"Yeah anyway, I'm pretty sure it's me next." I said.

"You?" Lexi said. "Queen, please." All the other queens laughed.

"Yeah, weren't you the one here truly loved?" Grace mimicked.

"Oh yeah. Didn't you give him the son he so desperately wanted?" Courtney added.

"Yeah, like I had a daughter and he literally chopped my head off." Millie said.

"Yeah ok, you're right." I told everyone. "I was lucky. I was really lucky. I was in love. I just had a beautiful baby and Henry was happy because thank god it was an Edward and not an Edwina." I got a laugh from the audience at this. "I was so excited. "His first words, his first steps, for not getting a good nights sleep for three years." I got another laugh from that. "And I never got to see any of that." I said sadly. "People say Henry was stone-hearted, uncaring, and I'm not sure he was."

"Yeah, come to think of it, there was this really cute time where I had a daughter and then he chopped my head off." Millie interrupted.

"I know his times with the queens before me were hard, but they were also full of fire. He raged and stormed at them, and because they're both badass monarchs, they raged and stormed right back. But I didn't do that. Instead I stood by him, like I was made of stone. I stood firm, no matter his flaws, his tempers, no matter my doubts or fears, I stayed there, by his side. And that's not because I was scared, or naive, or weak, it's because I loved him."

I moved to the center of the stage and said "So, Henry." This is it. I thought. You can do this! I took a deep breath and sang, "So, You've got a good heart, but I know it changes. A restless ride, untamable."

I looked into the audience and smiled before continuing. "You came my way and I knew a storm could come too, You'd lift me high or let me fall."

"But I took your hand, promised I'd withstand any blaze you blew my way. 'Cause something inside, it solidified, and I knew I'd always stay."

Time for the chorus. I thought. I've always loved the music in the background during this part. "You can build me up, you can tear me down, you can try but I'm unbreakable." I sang. "You can do your best, but I'll stand the test, you'll find that I'm unshakable. When the fires burnt, when the wind has blown, when the waters dry, you'll still find stone. My heart of stone."

"You say we're perfect, a perfect family. You hold us close, for the world to see. And when I say you're the only one I've ever loved, I mean those words truthfully."

"But I know, without my son your love could disappear. I know it isn't fair, but I don't care, 'cause my love will still be here."

"You can build me up, you can tear me down, you can try but I'm unbreakable." I sang. "You can do your best, but I'll stand the test, you'll find that I'm unshakable. When the fires burnt, when the wind has blown, when the waters dry, you'll still find stone. My heart of stone." I sang as I listened to the queens softly singing behind me.

Holding back some tears, I sang, "Soon I'll have to go. I'll never see him grow. But I got my son will know, he'll never be alone. 'Cause like a river runs dry, and leaves it's scars behind. I'll be by your side. 'Cause my love is set in stone."

I took a deep breath in and sang, "Yeahhh! (You can build me up, you can tear me down , you can try but I'm) Unbreakable. (You can do your best, but I'll stand the test. You'll find that I'm unshakable.) The fires burnt, the wind has blown, the waters dried, you'll still find stone."

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