Chapter 11 - Leave Her

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TW: Mentions of abuse

Millie's POV:
All You Wanna Do was almost over and Vicki was on a Howard today. I noticed when she was last on as Howard, which would have been a few weeks ago, it sounded different and more realistic than normal. It sounded the same today.

I reached out to grab Vicki and once I touched her, she flinched. My hands hovered over her instead and as soon as we ran off stage, after AYWD was over, I whispered, "Is it just me or has Vicki been acting different than normal?"

"I thought I was the only one who noticed." Grace whispered back.

"Girls, stop whispering. We need to go back onstage." Nat whisper-yelled at us.

I nodded and followed into the stage, doing the rest of the show.

A few days later

Vicki's boyfriend was over at the theatre today. A bunch of us were hanging out in my dressing room before the show. "Vicki, look at me while I'm talking to you." I heard the man say firmly. I noticed Vicki shaking her head and continuing to look down. "I SAID LOOK AT ME!" The man shouted and slapped Vicki hard in the face.

Vicki started visibly shaking so I walked over to her, trying to calm her down. I looked up and saw Eloise holding a crying Eli. She must've been scared from the yelling or slapping, or something like that.

"GET OUT THIS INSTANT!" Aimie shouted at the man. I had never seen her this angry before. He shook his head and lunged toward Aimie. Courtney and Jaye'J held him back and lead him out of the room with Aimie.

I looked back at Vicki and saw a bit of blood coming from where the man hit her. "I'm going to go clean this up, okay?" I told her. She had a look of worry in her eyes but I ignored it and grabbed a paper towel, wetting it a bit.

I walked back over to Vicki and dabbed the paper towel at the cut. A little bit of makeup came off and I saw a bit of a bruise on her face. I decided to wipe off the rest of the makeup to see how bad it was and as soon as I finished I gasped in shock. There was bruises and scratches all over her face. It kind of reminded me when I first saw Eli.

"Vicki, answer this for me." I started. "Was that man abusing you?" She nodded slowly, silent tears running down her face. "Come here Vicks." I said, sitting down on the floor. She walked over and rest her head on my lap. After calming her down, she eventually fell asleep. That was the moment I decided that I would do anything to protect this girl.

Courtney's POV:
"GET OUT THIS INSTANT!" Aimie shouted at Vicki's 'boyfriend'. I saw the man starting to pounce on her and I held the man back with Jaye'J. Aimie got out of the way and we ran out of the room, trying to get the guy as far away from Vicki as possible.

Soon after we got him out of the dressing room, he kicked me hard on the stomach trying to loosen my grip. It worked I guess. I fell down to the ground in pain while trying to catch my breath.

I saw Aimie run over to me, kneeling down beside me. "Are you okay Courts?" She asked. I shook my head. I decided it would be better to tell the truth at a time like this. "Let's get you somewhere safe. Jaye'J has got him." I nodded and let Aimie carry me to her dressing room.

Once she set me down, I closed my eyes, trying to make the pain in my head go away. I must've put my hands to my head or singing because Aimie asked me, "Did you hit your head?" I nodded, trying to concentrate on her voice.

I thought I heard someone walk into the room so I looked up to see Maiya standing there. "What happened?" She asked us.

"So basically this guy came into the theatre with Vicks and hit her hard in the face. I went over to try to get him away from Vicks and he lunged towards me, Courtney and Jaye'J stopping him. Then we chased him out, Courtney getting kicked in the process. She ended up hitting her head pretty hard and now we're here." Aimie explained.

Maiya gasped. "Is Vicki okay?" She asked, sounding worried.

"Dunno." Aimie replied. "She's in her dressing room with Mills. I think Eloise and Elizabeth are in there too."

I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder and looked over to see Maiya sitting next to me.

"I'm going to go get Eloise. I'll be right back. Will you be okay Courts?" Aimie said.

I nodded my head and she soon left, going off to mine, and some of the other girls, dressing room.

Eloise's POV:
As soon as the man started shouting, Elizabeth cuddled into me. I rubbed her back, watching the scene unfold silently. As soon as the man left the room, I made sure Eli was okay. After I did that, I gave her my phone and went over to where Millie and Vicki were.

I noticed Vicki was sleeping so I quietly asked Millie, "Is she okay?"

"A little traumatized, but other than that she's okay." Millie replied. "I'll tell you more when Eli's not here."

Aimie burst into the room out of breath. "Eloise, it's Courtney. She needs you." She said, in between breaths. I followed Aimie to her dressing room and saw Courtney lying on the ground with Maiya next to her. I walked over to Courtney and saw she was out cold.

"So what happened?" I asked.

"So basically, Courtney was trying to hold the man back and he kicked her hard in the stomach, and she fell over, hitting her head on the floor. I brought her into my dressing room, checked to see if she was okay, Maiya came in and I told her what happened, then I left to go get you. I don't know what happened next." Aimie told me.

"Uhh so after you left Courtney complained she was feeling pretty dizzy and the next thing I knew, she was unconscious." Maiya added.

I nodded sadly and rubbed Courtney's back till she woke up. One she had woken up, I carried her back to her dressing room and let her cuddle into me.
After the show started, I took Eli and Courtney to the hospital so we could see if Courts has a concussion or something. We were done called into a room and a doctor ran a few tests on her, eventually deciding she had a minor concussion. She wouldn't be allowed to perform for two weeks.

Once we got home it was pretty late so I put Eli to bed then got into bed with Courtney and cuddled till we both fell asleep.

1178 words

A/N: Sry I haven't updated in a bit. This took a while to write and I've been pretty busy all week. Anyways, thanks for reading everyone! Hope you enjoyed!

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