Chapter 2 - Home?

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Eli's POV:
Once we got to Courtney's house, she showed me the way to the guest room. On the way, she pointed out her room, which was right next to the guest room.

"Here we are." She said, opening the door. Inside it was painted a light teal color with a bed in the middle with some nightstand on either side of it. On one side of the room, there was a door leading to a closet, and next to it was a bathroom. I was happy that there was lots of empty room for me to run around in.

"I don't really have any clothes that would fit you." Courtney told me as I sat down on the bed.

"That's ok, I had some in my bag, if you know where that is" I replied. "Also, thank you for today. Even if you are going to get rid of me and send me back, thanks for at least one day of happiness."

"Aww, You're welcome sweetie. And who said I'm going to get rid of you?"

"Wait, I'm staying here?" I asked confused. Surely she was busy with being an actor and all. She probably didn't have much time did a child.

"Of course." She says and got up to leave the room. I grabbed her hand before she could leave. "Do you want me to stay with you while you sleep?" Courtney asked me.

"Yes." I confessed.

"Well, goodnight El." She said, planting a kiss on my temple. I smiled back at her and eventually fell asleep.

That was a bad idea. I had a nightmare about my aunt and uncle.

"HOW DARE YOU DO THAT!" My uncle yelled at me. "SAY YOU'RE SORRY RIGHT NOW!"

"I-I'm sorry." I said on the verge of tears.

"Oh you will be sorry." All of a sudden I felt hands grasp my waist and pin me against the wall. I saw him pull his hand back and I closed my eyes preparing for the pain. I counted the slaps. *slap* one *slap* two *slap* three... I counted fifteen of them total.

"Are you sorry now?" My uncle asked angrily. "Y-Yes." I stammered.

"Good. Now leave the house. I don't want to see you here ever again." I nodded and ran out the door, grabbing me run away bag, before he could do anything else. I could still feel the pain from where he slapped me and I started to cry on defeat. I felt someone shaking me and I pushed them away.

"I'm trying to help" Said a familiar voice.

"C-Courtney?" I asked, opening my eyes.

"Yes, it's just me, you're safe." She said, rubbing my back. I leaned into her and she hugged me until I eventually fell back asleep.

I woke up still curled up in Courtney's lap. I looked up and saw she was asleep so I snuggled into her, waiting for her to wake up.

Courtney's POV:
I woke up to find Eli snuggled in my lap. I Eli to the theatre shook her awake and then went downstairs to get breakfast. Getting ready could wait. I made some blueberry pancakes and then called Eli down to breakfast. Eli barely touched her food so I asked, "Why aren't you eating? Do you not like them?"

"No, they're good, it's just that my uncle said if I eat, I'd get punished." She said while looking down.

I gave her a small hug and said, "Your uncle isn't here anymore. You are allowed to eat. Now go ahead and eat your pancakes." Thankfully, she started to eat then.

Once we were both done eating and getting ready, I took Eli to the theatre first so we could grab her bag. Once we got there, I went up to the rehearsal room and gave Eli the back pack I found with her. "This is yours, right?" I asked while handing it to her.

She nodded. "Thanks!" Then she left to go get changed real quick and came back with a light blue t-shirt with some black leggings.

"Great, let's go shopping now for some stuff for your room and some new clothes." She nodded and then we headed to ikea first.

At the front of the theatre, we met up with all the queen's plus Eloise. "This is my girlfriend Eloise," I told Eli. "Eloise, this is Eli. She's staying with me for a while."

They shook hands and I heard Vicki laugh. "You two are being too fancy." She said.
Once we got to Ikea, we picked out a desk and some toys and storage stuff. I went with Eloise to go pick out some stuff for our new guest room, which would be in a room we were currently using for storage.

After we were done picking out furniture, I went back to my apartment with some of the girls to start decorating while the others went to go get clothes.

A few minutes after we started, I heard a small scream coming from the other room, quickly followed by Millie shouting, "I'M OKAY!" I sighed and continued building the desk for Eli's room.

Eloise POV:
"Hey El, how do you like this?" I asked, holding up a pair of overalls.

"I like it!" Eli replied. "Can I get this please!?" She pointed to a wolf stuffed animal.

"Fine." I replied. She smiled and bounced over to where the wolves were and picked one out. I loved it when Eli was happy. She was so cute, not that she isn't cute other times but you know what I mean.

We eventually got a good amount of clothes and went back to Courtney and I's apartment.

We came in to a bunch of yelling.

"GIVE ME MY PHONE BACK GRACIE!" I heard Millie shout.

"NOPE!" Grace shouted back.

I caught Eli running towards them out of the corner of my eye and rolled my eyes.

Soon after, Eli stole Grace's phone and somehow managed to get it unlocked.

I went over to the three and said, "Give each other your phones back." Grace pouted while giving Millie her phone back.

I saw Eli whisper something in Grace's ear and they ran off, probably causing more chaos.

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