Chapter Two

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Alya P.O.V:

When Nino and Marinette left. I froze. What is going on?! I thought. Also did he call her princess? IN SPANISH?!! That princesa sounded like princess. He better not be cheating on me. And who knew Mari spoke spanish? Does she have more secrets she didn't tell me? Time to go in my little reporter mode because I need to figure out what's going on here.

Timeskip brought to you by the one and only

Marinette P.O.V:

Today is my birthday and tomorrow is the trip. I woke up because of my alarm and got ready to go to the gym and spar with Nino. After that I went to school in this outfit.

 After that I went to school in this outfit

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I did my hair like this with simple makeup.

I headed to school 10 minutes early and saw Alya, Nino, and Adrien

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I headed to school 10 minutes early and saw Alya, Nino, and Adrien. That boy is so fine I swear like-... I mean anyways...I went over to them and said hi. "Happy Birthday Girl! I love your outfit. Also, YOUR EARLYY!" Alya said excitedly. "Happy B-day Mari!" Nino and Adrien said.

Adrien's P.O.V:

Marinette looks so beautiful, especially with her outfit and her bluebell eyes and her beautiful skin and personality... I think Im in love that girl.. I thought.

"Hey guys, thank you." Mari replied.

"ADRIKIIINNNSSSSS" came from behind me. Lord help me...please... "Adrikins, what are you doing with Mari-trash and her friends? Hang out with me and my friends who are much better than those low-lives." Chloe said in disgust.

I replied in an annoyed voice saying " Chloe I can hangout with who I want, can you please stop clinging onto me. Also Marinette and my friends are not low-lives, they're actually MUCH MUCH less annoying than a certain someone I know who is clinging onto me. Leave with your friends Chloe.."

"Fine Adrikins, but only because I know you'll love me soon anyways. Also, have a horrible birthday Mari-Trash!" She yelled. "Awww, I'm glad you remember my birthday Chloe!! Thank you!" Mari blows a kiss at her.

The Princess of Spain MLBWhere stories live. Discover now