Chapter Five

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Nino's P.O.V

I woke up at 4:10 AM and headed to Mari's room to wake her up so we can spar. "Princess wake up." "PRINCESS!" I groan. "Really Marinette?!" "Sorry reflexes.." I rubbed the spot where Marinette punched me.

"Jeez, why do you punch so hard, remind me never to scare you in your sleep again" I groan. I head back to my room and got ready to spar with Mari.

"Ready to spar Princess?" She hummed in response. Me and Marinette know each other's weaknesses because we've been sparring since we were 4. I went for the first hit but she dodge it. She tried to hit me but I barely moved dodge it. Then she kicked my legs. Before I could fall I used my hands to keep my balance.

I kicked her in the stomach but she did a front flip while grabbing my shoulders making me hit the floor. Her pinning me down. Then I used my legs and wrapped it around it waist and pulled her back. She fell backward and I pinned her down.

She used her legs pulling me by then neck, which causes me to fall back giving her time to get up. We continue sparring.

Alix's P.O.V:

I woke up because I heard things downstairs. I went to Marinette's room to see if she knows what it is. I knocked on the door but got no answer. "Marinette?" I opened the door to find out she wasn't there.

I went to Adrien's room. Maybe she'll be in Adrien's room. She is Adrien's girlfriend after all. I knocked on Adrien's door. "Hey Adrien, is Marinette with you?" "No, why?" He asked in confusion.

"I wanted to ask her if she knew what that noise downstairs is, but she wasn't in her room."

Me and Adrien headed into the living room to check out the noise downstairs, and found everybody except for Ms. Bustier. "I'm guessing I'm not the only one who heard noise downstairs." I said. "Yea, Nino and Marinette aren't here either." Alya said with anger.

We headed downstairs to find a window and a room inside. There was Nino and Marinette! They were fighting...what's happening.

Marinette's P.O.V:

I knee Nino in the stomach and hit his head in my knee. He grabs my waist and flips me on his shoulders and grabs me by the hips and throws me across the room where the katanas are. Before I land I rolled and landed on my feet. I grab two katanas, I threw one to Nino. "First one to get cut loses." I yelled. "Your on"

We started fighting but then we heard squeals and screams but we were told no matter what or who is watching, never lose your focus on your opponent.

As we were hitting our katanas against each others, I kicked Nino's feet making him fall. As he was falling he made fall and punched my shoulder. I then punched him in the face as he held his nose and while he did that I cut his leg with my katana.

"I win." "Yea yea but you gotta stop brea-" I cleared my throat to notify Nino that we had an audience. "WHY THE FUCK WERE YOU GUYS FIGHTING" Alya screamed. "Sooo cool.." Juleka mumbled. "Yo you just threw my fucking girlfriend across the room" Adrien had a worried and angry look. "And not to mention, you kneed my boyfriend in the stomach, face and then broke his nose" Alya exclaimed.

Everyone started talking and yelling until me and Nino said, "SHUT THE FUCK UP.." "Chill dudes and dudettes we do this shit everyday I'll be fine." "Right. Now come here Nino, I gotta snap your nose back into place. You guys might want to cover your ears and eyes." I snapped Nino's nose back to place as he whimpers.

"You guys can go back to sleep now.." I said in a duh tone. Everyone went back upstairs and back to bed except for Adrien and Alya. "I still can't believe y'all did that.." Both of them were mad.

Adrien comes behind me and snakes his arms around my waist. "I'm fine, love." "So am I Alya." Nino and Alya go a different directions, Nino cuddled with Alya in his room and I cuddled with Adrien in my room after I took a shower and cleaned my wounds and cuts.

"Are you sure your okay princess?" Adrien worried. "Yes I'm sure love, we do this all the time." "But why?" "Like I said, there are assassins and they want to kill me, but I can defend myself, because I spar with Nino."

"I love you, I don't want to lose you.." Adrien had worry in his eyes. "I love you too, and you won't lose me, I'll make sure of it." I kissed him softly and we both fell asleep.

Sorry this chapter is shorter than the others.

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