Chapter Four

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Marinette's P.O.V:

Nino took me to a room in plane. As soon as we entered Nino calmly said "Princess, you need to relax, we're should be in Spain in 2 hours, and also Chloe's just being the regular brat she is, just-" I cut him off. "Nino she said something about my family members, she may have said my parents even though they really aren't my parents, but I still care about them. Nobody and I mean NADIE (Nobody)  speaks about my family." 

 "Okay Princess, I'll give you some space, but try to relax okay?" Nino had a small frown on his face. "Fine." I took a nap.

Alya's P.O.V:

I followed them and started recording. When I got to the room I heard Nino speaking. "Princess, you need to relax, we're should be in Spain in 2 hours, and also Chloe's just being the regular brat she is, just-". "Nino she said something about my family members, she may have said my parents even though they really aren't my parents, but I still care about them. Nobody and I mean NADIE (Nobody) speaks about my family."

One, why is Nino calling Marinette princess? And what does she mean 'even though they aren't' ? I thought. I kept listening.  "Okay Princess, I'll give you some space, but try to relax okay?" Nino had a small frown on his face. "Fine." Suddenly I hid while Nino walked out. I stopped recording and decided to show it to everyone else tomorrow morning. 

Marinette's P.O.V:

I woke up, but just in time as they announced that we're landing in 20 minutes. I got dressed in the same dress I came in. ARE THOSE FUCKING HICKEYS?  From being a princess, you should know how to use make-up. In that case I covered up my hickeys with make-up. I walked back out to see everybody ready to go.

"Everyone stay seated and buckled up as for we are landing." I heard the speakers say. While everyone is seated, me and Nino get extra weapons in the weapon room.  Everyone was confused but didn't ask questions. 

"We have landed, everyone gather your things and head outside off the jet." The speaker says. "Wait, me and Marinette need to go first." Nino stated. We took out our guns, and looked around. "Duck Pr- Marinette!" Nino yelled. Just in time I ducked and shot the assassin straight in the head. "HA YES PERFECT HEADSHOT!" I had a victorious grin.

Adrien's P.O.V: 

"We have landed, everyone gather your things and head outside off the jet." A voice came from the speaker. "Wait, me and Marinette need to go first." Nino said protectively. Marinette and Nino had took their guns out. "Duck Pr- Marinette!" Nino yelled. WHAT'S UP WITH THE NICKNAMES, ONLY I CAN CALL HER PRINCESS! Then we see Marinette duck and get a perfect headshot. 

"HA YES PERFECT HEADSHOT!" Marinette had a victorious grin. "Uh, princess YOUR BOYFRIEND would like to know what's happening." I emphasized 'your boyfriend' . "Sure, there are assassin's here trying to kill me." Mari looked uninterested. "Why would they try to kill you?" Juleka mumbled. "Because....uh me and Nino, are verywellknownhere. Yea, very well known." Mari said. 

"Uhm okay?" Mylene questioned. Ms.Bustier gathered the attention. "The princess have sent the limo for us to the take, so we can go to where we are going!" Suddenly a red sparkly Lamborghini came.

 "The princess have sent the limo for us to the take, so we can go to where we are going!" Suddenly a red sparkly Lamborghini came

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