Chapter Nine

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No one's P.O.V:

It had been 1 week and 1 day since they came to Spain.

Marinette and Nino woke up and did their usual training.

Chloe and Lila were still traumatized.

The rest of the class was still confused as fuck.

After everyone did their morning stuff the teacher gave an announcement. "Class, the King and Queen was generous enough to let us stay in the castle until the coronation!"

Everyone cheered while Nino and Marinette were angry but in shock.

"Oh NO, ella NO LO HIZO" Of course that was Marinette who said that.  (Oh NO she DIDN'T)

They gave each other a knowing look and Nino stomped away with Marinette following behind.

Nathaniel's P.O.V:  (Bet you wasn't expecting that, plus i forgot abt him)

Nino and Marinette stomped off in anger. (He still likes Marinette cause she's a bad bish and why not) I must admit I like this Marinette, it makes me like her even more, but she has a boyfriend. Bummer.

We heard the door slammed and it shook the whole house. We all flinched. Chloe and Lila came out. "WHAT was THAT!" Chloe said annoyed. "It was probably guards coming to protect me because I'm the princess." Lila said with a pout.

Honestly nobody really cared about what they said at the time.

We heard loud ass screaming in spanish. It was so loud you can hear it like the door wasn't even closed.

Then we heard Nino yelling too but in a calming voice. Suddenly it was quiet. A little bit too quiet. The class and I went upstairs to peak on what was happening while Ms.Bustier was in her room.

When we opened the door we see them...hugging? Nino was hugging a tensed Marinette who calmed down during the hug.

Of course Adrien was mad and jealous cause his best friend was hugging his princess. But I was mad too, I just tried my best to hide it.

"Dude get your hands off my girlfriend!" Adrien yelled. They quickly broke the hug. " Love, I promise that hug was only Platonic and plus what were you doing spying on us?!" Marinette quickly changed her voice from calm to a bit angry.

" We heard yelling and then it went silent. We didn't know what was going on because you guys been acting weird this whole trip and all of a sudden you and Nino are closer to each other than we thought." Adrien stated.

" Dude chill I promise I wasn't trying to make a move on your girl plus I have Alya-" Nino tried to finish his sentence but got cut off by Marinette.

"Who is we..?" Marinette said in a low voice. She came stomping over to the door and opened it for all of us to fall on top of each other except for Mari. Nino and Adrien.

We quickly got up. "Hey Mari-" I said. "You ALL were SPYING on us?! YOUR SO LUCKY YOU DIDN'T HEAR ANYTHING." Marinette dug her hands into her hair and slid them down her face.

" you mean..Marinette.." Alya said quietly in a sad voice. Marinette tensed and her eyes were wide. "Uh-Uhm-I-I meant that you know uh-" "Meant what Marinette?! You and Nino been hiding something this whole fucking trip and it's causing so many problems, don't you trust us?!" Alya was pissed.

"Alya, babe we can't tell you anything..we swore to secrecy and it's for you and our safety.." Nino had a pout on his face.

" Yea it's probably for your safety to not get hurt by me because your cheating on me" Alya was about pounce on Nino but got held back.

The Princess of Spain MLBWhere stories live. Discover now