Chapter Eight

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Marinette's P.O.V:

When me and Nino saw that Lila and Chloe were about to go in that painting we had to stop them because they could die.


Once we got there I tackled Lie-la and Nino got Chloe. Oh my gosh you don't know how bad I wanted to tackle that bitch.

Anyways, I slapped both Chloe and Lila "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING? YOU COULD'VE GOTTEN YOUR SELF KILLED." I started yelling at them pointing fingers. "Oh, Dios mío, Nino, en lugar de qué hay detrás de esa pintura matándolos, debería hacerlo yo mismo" (Oh my gosh Nino, Instead of what's behind that painting killing them I should do it myself.) I was completely angry. Do they always gotta snoop?

"You know what I should do? Since you bitches want to be nosey as shit how about I show you what's inside the painting."

"Uh Marinette I don't think-" "Nino fucking lahiffe I am going to show them what's in that painting so that it can teach them a lesson about snooping in other peoples fucking house!"

I shoved them both inside and lasers started to appear, luckily for me I know exactly where the lasers will and will not appear.

Of course the brats screamed. 1..2...3 "duck." I plainly ducked and the brats ducked in a scared way.

"You wanted to see what's in here right?" I pushed them forwards and put my hand in the handprint scanner. It opened a door which led to the next room. Guns aimed at the door.

Again Chloe and Lie-la screamed, tears forming in their eyes. The camera scanned my eyes. Then the door opened to a huge weapon room.

(A/N: Sorry the picture is pixely, I was heading to the beach while writing this)

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(A/N: Sorry the picture is pixely, I was heading to the beach while writing this)

The dumbos were obviously scared and started crying. I took an Assault Rifle and pointed it at them.

They gasped and raised the hands up.

"Are you guys going to stop snooping around my house?"

They nodded. "I want to hear it from your mouth, YES OR NO?" I said, they were scared and that right there gave me satisfaction.

"Y-y-yes Marinette." They both said. I would've preferred they said my real name because i'm sick of hearing Marinette. But I gotta keep my cover so..

"Good." My voice was low and cold. I put the gun back and pushed them out of the painting. They were traumatized. "You...YOU dupain-cheng-"

"That's not my nameee" I sang but mumbled. "-are CRAZY." Yup you guessed it, Chloe said that. When she said that it made me raise my brow because I'm not crazy just protective, meanwhile crazy.

Lila ran away back to her room crying.

Me and Nino shrugged and went back to the theater and here comes the questions... sighhh....

"Princess you know we all saw what was on the screen right?" Adrien said. "Yea, I figured" I replied.
I was angry, I walked to where I was before while Nino explained. "Basically Lila and Chloe were about to go inside the painting and behind that painting they could've gotten killed. So that's why we ran and left to stop them." Nino explained.

"But Marinette shoved them in the painting anyway and they came out alive, and so did Marinette." Alya reasoned.

Nino looked at me for permission to explain fully what happened from what he knows. I slightly nodded.

"Behind that painting is a weapon room, but to get there you have to go through 2 doors. When you first open the painting there are lasers and a poisonous dart will hit you perfectly in the forehead . Marinette knows where the dart comes from because obviously she lives here. If anyone went in that room without Marinette, Chloe and Lila would've died." Nino clarified.

"Who knew my princess could be such a badass" Adrien smirked. I was still angry so I didn't respond and had an angry pout on my face. He kissed my cheek.

"Let's continue the movie shall we ladies and gents." Nathaniel said with a grin.

With that the movie started but half way into it we all fell asleep.



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