Chapter Seven

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Marinette's P.O.V:

I had my normal morning routine as always. After that I told the class that we are going to be training today and explaining why. Of course Dumbass Chloe and Liar Bitch had to say something, but I shut them up real quick.

They are going to be exhausted. I thought. I'm not wrong though. I told everyone to get in comfortable fighting clothes and of course, the brats didn't listen. But they'll suffer and learn so I don't really care.

There was a White Limo arriving in front of my house. Im guessing that's our ride..

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As we got to the training place, I saw Maestra Grace (Master Grace)

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As we got to the training place, I saw Maestra Grace (Master Grace). Me and Nino smile. "Hola Maestra Grace." (Hello Master Grace) "Hola Marinette y Nino" (Hello Marinette and Nino) "Guys, this is my teacher who taught me and Nino how to fight and use weapons." Everyone said Hi, as everyone else at the place turned around. "¡No dejes de seguir trabajando!" (Don't stop, keep working!) I said with pressure. Everybody suddenly went back to work while the class just looked at me. "What?"

Everybody started training. As we got to 45 push-ups everybody was panting for water and sweating except for Me, Nino, Adrien, Kim, and Alix. We just stood there with a smirk on our face as the rest of the class went to get water.

We entered the shooting room with guns and stuff.

"Okay, I'm going to give you loaded guns. You are going to try your best to hit the target. Also, try and hold your stance because when you shoot, you may or may not fall back a little." I said.

"I'll demonstrate." I turn around and close my eyes, I shoot and hit the center of the target. All I heard was Oooh's and Wow's. "See, that's something you should most likely never do." "Why? You just did it." Kim asked.

"...I've known how to use a gun since I was 6 and you guys are just learning, so take your guns and shoot the target, aim for the middle." Everybody started trying to hit the target. Some people got close to the target, some people didn't get close. Some people didn't even want to shoot at all. But me and Nino got our ways to make them.

After we were done training we went home and everybody was exhausted except for me and Nino of course. We suggested they go to bed but they wanted to watch a movie. So I gave the people what they want.

We went to the theater room.

We all went inside of the movie room and then there were the ooh's and aah's again

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We all went inside of the movie room and then there were the ooh's and aah's again. Seriously they need to start expecting these things.

On the screen was moving we could watch and security footage from the camera. The security footage took up 1/6 of the screen in case of any emergencies. Lila and Chloe didn't want to come but I don't really care.

Adrien's P.O.V:

The movie we chose to watch was Annabelle. (A/N:I asked my friend to chose a movie.) "Hey what's Chloe and Lila doing?" Alya asked. All of a sudden, Marinette and Nino took a quick glance at each other and ran out the movie room.

I must admit I was sad because the cold air was now hitting the spot where Mari was and I was warm.

I miss my girlfriend already. I pouted.

"Seems like a certain someone is sad because their lover left them to go to Lila and Chloe" Alya smirked.

I paused to movie and made the screen with Lila, Chloe, Marinette, and Nino bigger.

We saw Marinette tackling Lie-la and Nino tackling Chloe. It looked like they were about to open a painting. Marinette slapped Chloe and Lie-la and starting shouting at them and pointing fingers. She was going to take them to the painting until she was stopped by Nino.

Nino looked like he was.....trying to get Marinette not to show them what's inside the painting? She started yelling at Nino and Nino looked scared? She shoved them into the painting and walked in also.

2 minutes later the girls came out of the painting with Chloe and Lila looking traumatized. Chloe said something which made Mari raise her brow. Then Lila just ran crying. We couldn't here what was going on.

What was in there that made Lila and Chloe act like that?

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