Chapter Thirteen

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Alya's P.O.V:

"Marinette!! You shouldn't be taking the Princesses robe! That's not yours, and Nino what are you doing taking the royals guards robe!"

"Oh, Dios mío...(Oh my gosh) Lie-la hope you know that this robe is m-" Marinette couldn't finish her sentence with Nino's hand over her mouth.

Then I see Nino whisper something in Marinette's ear.

"The King and Queen let us use the Princesses and Bodyguard's Robe." Nino explained.

All of a sudden Nino shouted "MARINETTE. WHY DID YOU BITE MY HAND!" "Simple Nino, i just wanted your hand off of my mouth. Also, gracias por salvar por cierto Nino" Marinette smirked.

Marinette's P.O.V:

I was just about to take MY robe when I heard a disgusting terrible screech coming from the one and only bitch.

"Marinette!! You shouldn't be taking the Princesses robe! That's not yours, and Nino what are you doing taking the royals guards robe!"

This girl is getting really annoying so I just snapped without thinking.

"Oh, Dios mío...(Oh my gosh) Lie-la hope you know that this robe is m-" I couldn't finish mh sentence because Nino's hand covered my mouth.

"No expongas tu yo Marinette" (Don't expose yourself Marinette) Nino whispered.

"The King and Queen let us use the Princesses and Bodyguard's Robe." Nino explained.

I bite his hand so he can move his hand from my mouth.

Then Nino shouted "MARINETTE. WHY DID YOU BITE MY HAND!" "Simple Nino, I just wanted your hand off of my mouth. Also, gracias por salvar por cierto Nino" (thanks for the save by the way Nino) I replied with a smirk.

After the Spa went on for the boys and girls we decided to go dress shopping for the coronation.

"Cmon girl! Let's go shopping!!" Alya exclaimed. See, now this is the hard part, how and why, am i going to get a dress if I already have one.

If I tell Alya I already have a dress, she's going to ask how and if I say I designed it she's going to want to see it but I can't get my real dress now!!!

"I can't Alya, I....know the royal family and they treat me like their own because I was friends with the princess before the assassins came. She took me into the fitting room and my dress is in there." I partly told the truth and I partly lied.



"Uh, I mean I don't remember, because she probably grew now and...maybe..she uh.. changed the way she looked." I tried so hard to come up with those words.

"Oh..ok..that's fine! I'm going to go shopping with everyone else. Have fun at the castle Marinette. If you need anything let me know." Alya gave me a smile.

As she left I went to my room in the castle and started drawing for some designs I may make.

After everyone came back we went to have dinner with the royal family.

Once everyone was there, I remember when Lila claimed to know the princess. "So King Felix and Queen Bridgette, do guys remember her ." I pointed at Lila.

Everyone had their attention on Lila. "No" They both replied. Lila paled, which made me satisfied. I smirked. "Lila I thought you said you knew the princess and was friends with her." "We have never seen you until the yesterday and today." My father said.

The Princess of Spain MLBWhere stories live. Discover now