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Yo hummed happily to himself as he walked to the science canteen with a bounce in his step. Ever since he and Pha had come back from the pack lands, nobody had tried to ask him out, not once. His claiming mark was very visible above the collar of his shirt, and all the shifters knew that meant he was off the market, and if they ever tried anything despite this knowledge, Yo's alpha was within his rights to challenge them.

Yo lightly trailed his fingertips over the still healing bite, unable to stop himself from smiling. It felt good being claimed. Even though he was only eighteen, this was what he wanted for the rest of his life, to be with Pha and have his pups - or litters. Whichever happened, if it could. Yo had looked into crossspecies claiming and found some mated couples were unable to have children because they were too different biologically. So they adopted.

Yo prayed fervently this would not be the case with himself and Pha. He really wanted to fulfil his duties and wishes as an omega and give Pha biological children.

"Ai'Yo, where did you disappear to for the past few days?"

Yo's whole body tensed up at the familiar, oily voice. "Khun Park," he addressed the other cat formally, not bothering to hide the irritation this time. He was claimed. If anything happened, Pha would take care of it as Yo's alpha. "I'm afraid I must inform you, you cannot be so comfortable with me. I've been claimed." He tilted his head, fully showing off his mating bite, and a surge of satisfaction went through him at the shock and disappointment in Park's eyes.

Park frowned. "By who? I didn't know you were being courted by another cat."

"I wasn't, for your information. P'Pha is my alpha now," Yo stated, lifting his chin in the air defiantly. Let's see what you make of that!

"What," Park's eyes darkened in anger. "You...you mated with that wolf???"

"It's none of your business," Yo shot back, whirling around and stalking off to the canteen again.

A hand caught his arm, yanking him back. "Like hell it's not! Cats belong with cats, and wolves belong with wolves! What will your precious alpha say when you're unable to have a litter??"

Yo hissed, pissed off enough that his tail and ears popped out. "Watch your mouth! You forget your station, feral."

Park dropped Yo's arm as if burned. His eyes blazed with fury, mouth drawn up in a snarl. "You-"

"I am the future Luna of the Bangkok Pack, the only son to Chief Kasem of the Southern Clowder, and I will not tolerate you speaking to me in such a manner," Yo spat coldly. With that, he stomped away from Park, wishing Park had done something so Pha could have him expelled from the university. Yo didn't want the feral cat around anymore.

His friends noticed his sudden bad mood, and immediately gave him a wide berth for the duration of lunch. It was well known Yo had a horrible temper when set off. The best thing to do was leave him alone until he was ready to vent, then give him a shoulder to cry on since he was the sort for angry tears.


Yo moodily drummed his fingers on the table. It wasn't fair Ming and Kit were cuddling up to each other across the table from him. He wanted his Pha.

"Alright, out with it," Ming looked at Yo with an exasperated frown after dropping a kiss on his blushing Kit's cheek. "Who stole your pink milk."

"Fuck off," Yo growled, folding his arms and looking pointedly away.

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