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The interrogation had gone miserably; no new knowledge about the case had been discovered, and shame weighs heavy on Dream's conscious. They were at a dead end; all  caught up in their conflicting evidence.

One thing was amiss, though. Dream had noticed Karl's particularly strange behavior during their questioning. But not just that, He takes notice of how Karl had been acting lately. He originally thought it was the deviancy that was affecting him, but not even that could make Karl seem to... malfunction.

His once perfectly calculated movements became erratic, inconsistent. He starts to zone out at random times, and he was losing focus.

It had almost been a week since he's noticed this oddity; he had yet to take action previously. But now, it started to concern him.

* * *

"Nothing seems to be wrong with him..." The man observed, then turns his attention to Dream, "What did exactly was the problem again?" 

"I assumed it was a virus.." He pauses, "Since he shows signs of zoning out, and sometimes even freezing in his place."

"I'll try to understand what's going on in his program, then." The technician looked down at the android, "It'll probably take a few days, I'll inform you once I've finished."

* * *




"KARL!" his audio sensors picked up a heart wrenching scream, but he doesn't-- couldn't move. Everything was so dark, and he feels the wet, sticky liquid he identified as his own blood cover his entire chest, and he could feel himself die in someone's arms.

"I LOVE YOU..!" The man screamed repeatedly, the pained crack of his voice edged deep into Karl's memory.

No words spilled out his mouth.

Was this all a memory? Or was this all made up by his mind? He couldn't tell. But one thing does come in mind, though:

I love you too, detective.



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