Chapter 1

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"Father?" A boy called, reaching out for the man that stood in front of him. The man flinched away, startling the younger. A flame of fire suddenly appeared in front of the two. The man walked towards it. "Wait! Father, no!" The young boy yelled. He tried to run to his father, but it felt like he was suddenly weak, and burns appeared on his skin.

Pain shot through him as a random plank of wood fell on him. The boy cried out as he watches his father burn to death.
A dirty blonde male, Dream, shot up from his sleep. Sweat ran down his forehead as he took short panicked breathes. He gripped his hair, processing everything that happened in his dream. "What the hell was that?!" He gasped. He looked around the room then looked down. He pulled up his shirt, seeing a scar that circled his waist. It seemed like the dream was more like a flashback, but it had some changes. He was in a black void.

A few years ago, when he was about eight years old. His house was caught on fire. Reason? He didn't know. His father died in the fire. Where was his mother? She left a few months before that. He got the scar from a falling piece of wood, the one that showed in his dream.

He didn't know how he even survived. Even when a woman, who is now his adoptive mother, saved him. For sure he would've died from his injuries, right? Sure she gave him health potions. But now, him being grown up, he knew more about potions and health care. And looking back...he felt like the potions would've not been enough.

Besides that, he's grateful to be alive. Once he calmed himself down he got off his bed. He changed out of the clothes he slept in. He didn't own any pajamas, he preferred a shirt and shorts. He exited his room and did his morning routine.


"No." "Why not?" "You know how I am with people." A certain pinkette spoke. The other brunette scoffed. "Come oooon, Techno! He's a nice guy! Say what, I'll pay for your food when we get to the bakery if you meet him." He bargained.

"Why do you even want me to meet him so bad?" Techno asked. "So you can stop teasing me and see how great he is!" The other explained. "Hah! In your dreams, music boy." Techno retorted. "First, it's Wilbur, you fuck. Second, it's funny how you said 'in your DREAMS' because his name is Dream." Wilbur said. "That's a weird name." Techno blurted. "At least it's not Techno-blade! Techno is a kind of music genre, " Wilbur gasped "Maybe I should be calling YOU Music Boy!" He laughed.

Techno scoffed "Fine."
"For real?"
"Stop before I change my mind."

"I'll text him." Wilbur said, taking out his phone, he texted Dream then opened his camera. He moved towards Techno, throwing his arm around his shoulders. "Say cheese!" He yelled. "Wai- wha- NO!" Techno screeched, ducking down. Wilbur laughed as he looked at the picture, deciding to send it anyways.


Hey DayDream, meet be at the park on Summer Street at 12:00 :)

:YouHey DayDream, meet be at the park on Summer Street at 12:00 :)

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( A/N: uhhhhh, kinda sucks :] )

DayDream: haha, Oki.


Dream smiled at the text, then put on a neon green hoodie. He put on his shoes and got his mask. He put the porcelain white mask, that has a smile carved on it, painted in with black paint. There was some scratches on it. He adjusted it to the side of his head. It was a mask his father gifted him. He sighed and checked the time. It was 11:12, he had time to do other stuff.

He got his keys and wallet, then exited his house, locking it of course.

He decided to pay a visit to a bakery his friend worked at.


Dream walked into the bakery, a sweet scent filling his nose. He smiled as a ginger walked towards him. "Hey Fundy." He greeted. "Hey, ba-aaaaaaay...Dream." Fundy chuckled nervously. "New jacket?" Dream commented, looking at the leather jacket Fundy was wearing under his apron. "Why yes, thanks for noticing." Fundy replied, tipping his hat at Dream.

Dream lightly blushed and rolled his eyes playfully. Fundy always acted somewhat flirtatious with Dream, but Dream ignored it.

Dream sat at a table, Fundy following. Fundy pulled out a notepad and pen from his apron's pocket. "So, what'll be today, Dré?" He asked, pressing the bottom on the pen that made the tip spring out from the other end.

( Me having a dirty mind: :[ :| >:] )

Dream chuckled softly, "The usual, Fun-Fox." Dream said, watching Fundy's ears perk up and his tail wag. "Pfft- hah, whatever I'll be back." He laughed and walked off.

Dream chorkled and waited. Surprisingly, only two minutes passed and Fundy was already back with what he ordered. "That was fast." Dream said as he blew on his drink. Fundy chuckled and placed the chocolate muffin on the table. 'I had it prepared for you, my love.' He thought.

Dream sighed and looked out the window he was sitting next to. "Soooo, any plans today?" Fundy asked. "I'm meeting someone today, Wilbur wanted me to meet his brother." Dream replied. 'Shit...' Fundy thought. He was gonna ask Dream to hang out once his shift was done. "Ah, well have fun. I'm gonna go back to my job now, cya!" Fundy said, rubbing Dream's shoulder before walking off.

Dream ate his muffin and checked the time. "11:31" He muttered. Dream sighed, he looked at the muffin in his hand, looking at the pink tint in it. The reason for it's pink tint was because it had a healing potion in it. It was a suggestion from his friend, George. He finished his muffin then downed it with his coffee. He looked around the bakery then stood up. He places his money on ( A/N: 1000 words les gooooo ) the table then left.
Fundy watched as Dream walked out, sighing wistfully. "You fell hard for Dream, huh?" A soft female voice spoke. "Who cannot, Niki?" Fundy laughed, closing his eyes, daydreaming about the dirty blonde. Niki giggled "Yeah, okay." She then nudged Fundy's arm. "There's another order for you." She said, pointing at the person in the distance. Fundy flinched and his head shot up "AH! RIGHT!"

Word Count: 1078

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