Chapter 4

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Wilbur knocked on the door, both males waiting patiently in silence. No one opened. They both looked at each other. Wilbur went to knock again before the door swang open, scaring both of them.

They saw a brunette that they knew as Tubbo. Tubbo smiled at them then turned his head to his left "PHIL! WILBUR AND DREAM ARE HERE!" He shouted. A blonde man appeared behind Tubbo, Philza. He was in his classic green kimono, a green and white stripped hat rested on his head.

"Hey, Wilbur, Dream." He greeted. Wilbur smiled "Hey Dadza." He said while Dream just waved. Phil stepped to the side, Tubbo running off. "Come in." He said with a smile. They both walk in while Philza closed the door.

"What brings you two here?" Philza asked sitting on the couch along with Dream and Wilbur. "We were just stopping by to drop off these-" "YOINK!" Dream was cut off by Tubbo snatching the plate of waffles.

"HEY!" Dream watched as Tubbo ran in another room yelling "TOMMY!"

Dream sighed and shook his head. Philza got up and made his way to the room Tubbo ran in. "Tubbo, no food in your rooms." He said. Tubbo whined and walked out of the room, Tommy trailing behind him.

Tommy noticed Wilbur and Dream, approaching them. "Hey, Wilby." He greeted. "Ey, Big T." Wilbur replied, smiling. Dream cleared his throat, feeling a bit ignored. Tommy turned his head towards him, smiling a little "Hey Big D, it's been a while since you last visited." He said. "Don't-...Don't call me that." Dream said calmly yet uncomfortable. Wilbur snickered a bit. "I'll call you whatever the hell I want." Tommy declared and stook his tongue out.

Tommy thought for a while "Well-" Tommy scoffed a bit, cutting himself off to think more. "How about D-Money?" He asked. Dream smiled "HELL YEAH!" He yelled, nodding his head. "Ol'rite." Tommy nodded his head along with Dream.

"Anyways I came to drop off some chocolate chip waffles I made for you and Tubbo." Dream said. "Oh so that's what Tubbo was carrying..." Tommy mumbled. "Welp, I'm gonna go get some before Tubbo eats them all. Tommy Out-it!"He exclaimed, walking backwards then turning around and running to the kitchen.

"Hey, Wilbur where were you yesterday?" A monotone voice questioned.

The two turned their heads to see Techno. "Oh hey Techno." Wilbur mumbled. "Halloo, anyways you didn't answer my question." Even though Techno didn't mean to be intimidating currently, his monotone voice and word choice seemed to send chills to Wilbur. "I stayed over at Dream's." Wilbur replied. "Hmm..." Techno hummed, squinting his eyes.

Tommy and Tubbo exited the kitchen, Tubbo having a half eaten waffle in his mouth and held another one while Tommy just nibbled on one he has in his hand. "Wilbur! Come to our room, I wanna show you something." Tommy said, walking to his and Tubbo's room, Tubbo following. "Didn't Phil say no food in your room?" Wilbur reminded the two younger males. "Hush, he won't notice." Tommy said and proceeded to walk into the room.

"Hey, guys I'm gonna go outside for a while, tell Philza." Techno yelled and then walked to the exit door. He grabbed on the door knob and then felt a tap on his shoulder. He looked over his shoulder and saw Dream. He blushed lightly. "Um....yeah?" He muttered. "Can I come with you?" Dream asked.

Techno looked at the door then back at Dream, "Sure go tell Wilbur first." He said. Dream nodded and went to the room Tommy had dragged Wilbur in. "Hey Willy Wonka, I'm going outside with Techno for a bit." He said. Wilbur looked at Dream and nodded "Okay."

Dream ran back to Techno and saw his wearing a red cape. 'Woaaah..' Dream thought. "Okay let's go." Techno said and opened the door, walking out. Dream also walked out, closing the door behind him.

They walked onto the sidewalk in silence. Dream felt rather uncomfortable and thought about a conversation starter. His eyes going to the red cape. "I like your cape." He complimented. Techno stopped walking, Dream getting a bit nervous. "Uhm...thank you." Techno murmured. Dream smiled, "Your welcome!"

They then continue walking. Dream took off the porcelain mask that rested on the side of his head and shook his head, ruffling up his hair. He then combed his hair with his fingers. He slipped the mask back on, letting it hang on his neck. "There's a good place." Techno said then began walking to a small field with few trees. Dream followed, confused.

Techno reached to his belt and pulled out a sword from a sheath. "WHAT?! WAS THAT HIDDEN BEHIND YOUR CAPE?!" Dream exclaimed as he looked at the sword Techno held in awe. Technk raised an eyebrow "Your acting like you've never seen a sword before." He said.

"THAT'S BECAUSE I HAVEN'T!" Dream yelled. ".....Really?" "Mhm!" "Like never?" "Yeah."

Techno looked at the admiration in Dream's eyes, blushing. He's never seen anyone so excited about a sword other then Tommy and Tubbo.

Techno didn't notice Dream gliding his finger on the blade, and when he did he flinched. His flinch caused the blade to go forward into Dream's skin. Dream winced and backed his hand onto his chest. He perked up to the smell of blood.

"Oooooo- uh...sorry." Techno apologized awkwardly. "It's fine-" Dream cringed at the blood pouring out of the cut on his finger. Techno searched his pant's pockets for any kind of cloth. Luckily he did have a gauze. The reason for why he had it was because in case he injured himself during fighting, which the chances were low, but just in case.

"Give me your hand." Techno commanded. Dream looked at the gauze Techno had then reached his hand to Techno. Techno grabbed his hand, blushing a bit from the contact.

Then and instinct told him to lick the blood off. For a good few seconds of him fighting with his instincts he dozed off then it was like his body moved on its own. He moved the hand to himself then licked the blood of Dream's finger.

Dream's face immediately went red. Techno realized what he did and also went red.

( Okay I'm just gonna say, that was inspired by a scene in an anime movie I watched úvù )

Techno quickly wrapped it with gauze "I-I'm sorry uh- I just- I don't know what happened heh- they do call me The Blood God- so heh-" Techno stuttered. Techno soon heard laughter, looking up at Dream. Dream laughed at the other's panicked state. "You're such a weirdo." He joked.

Techno tried not to smile, but failed. He cracked a small smiled.

'What was this feeling?'

'What is he doing to me?'

'Am I....'


'Am I in love?'

Word Count: 1150

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