Chapter 12

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"So..." Wilbur spoke, breaking the uncomfortable silence. He eyed the other 4 people with him, "I have gathered you all here."

"Sapnap," He looked at Sapnap, who currently had a bored out expression. "George," He looked at George, who was on the edge of just passing out and sleeping. "Fundy," Fundy awkwardly waved, genuinely confused. "And Techno." He looked at Techno, who was giving Wilbur a glare. Wilbur immediately looked away, though still felt those eyes pierce through him. He cleared his throat before continuing.

"All of you have been called here, for an important reason may I add." He said. He rested one of his legs over the other and shifted in his leather chair, "And that reason is-"

"Oooh my god. Wilbur. Just say it, PLEASE. Don't be dramatic, it's cringe." Techno spoke out.

"Aaaagh! Okay, okay, geez!" Wilbur groaned. "Look, we all know that everyone in this room likes Dream, okay?" He exclaimed. "Oh, hell yeah." Sapnap commented. George just mumbled a response that nobody could here, nor did they care. "Uh... Yes?" Fundy shrugged. ".... The Blood God has no such feelings towards Dream." Techno said stubbornly. Everyone brushed Techno's comment off, knowing he was obviously lying.

"Okay, Wilbur what are you saying? Are you going to declare war or something?" Sapnap joked. "If I wanted to start a war," Wilbur slowly turned his head to Sapnap, a crazed look on his face. Wilbur pulled a lighter seemingly out of nowhere. "I would've burned your house down already." He chuckled darkly, rotating the spark wheel on the lighter, causing a small flame to generate.

George squinted his eyes as he looked at the flame, "The heck, why is it yellow?" He said.

Sapnap looked at the flame then at Wilbur and his crazed expression. "Wilbur if you're trying to be scary, it's not working." Techno sighed. "Techno, just shut up!" Wilbur yelled, throwing the lighter across the room.

Wilbur sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Anyways, we have to tell him." He said. "But how?" George asked. "Wouldn't Dream be creeped out by finding out that 5 of his friends are crushing over him???" Fundy added.

George hummed, "Yeah he would feel creeped out... With a furry liking him, I could understand." George smirked. "George, shut the fuck up! You're colorblind, can't take in his beautiful colors!" "THE HECK FUNDY, IT'S NOT MY FAULT I'M COLORBLIND!" "IT'S NOT MY FAULT I'M A FOX HYBRID!" "EVEN I'M NOT THAT BLIND TO SEE THAT DREAM WOULD RATHER BE WITH ANYONE BUT YOU!"

The other three men just watched the two argue, finding it amusing.

"NO, DREAM'S MINE, ALL MINE!" "Easy, Tiger." "Did you just-"

Wilbur clapped his hands, causing the two to shut up."ALRIGHT! Enough arguing you..." Wilbur trailed off, looking for the words. He smiled and narrowed his eyes at the two, obviously judging them. He put his hands together and intertwined his fingers, resting his chin on his fingers. " Imbecile Gentlemen." He chuckled.

The two groaned and turned their heads away. Sapnap snickered at the two. The two looked at Sapnap with a glare, Sapnap looking away innocently.

"We're going off track." Wilbur said. "Yeah, yeah, hmm.. Well, how would Dream feel? Surprised, weirded out? .... turned on-" Sapnap mumbled that last one. "Well- that's why we need a more careful approach when confessing to him!" Fundy said. "What if he rejects us???" George asked. "Oh no, I would die right on the spot." Sapnap whined. "What if he accepts us?" Wilbur asked. "I would be livin'" Sapnap chuckled.

The others kept trying to figure out a plan and Techno was currently tired of it, muffling their voices out. "....."

Techno groaned, "Why don't we just up right tell him?!" Techno suggested, wanting them all to shut up.


"Good idea!" "Sure." "Mhm!" "Brilliant, Techno!" Techno stared at the others in disappointment.


Dream sat on the couch, uncomfortable as he saw the others stare at him nervously. They had visited his place saying they wanted to tell him something. Never good. What were they going to tell him? What happened? Was it good or bad? It has to be bad, why would they be so nervous? Does it have something to do with him? Did he do something wrong? What was it-

Dream was snapped out of his trance as Wilbur called his name. Dream flinched at looked up at Wilbur, "Huh?"
"Oh, nothing, just had to make sure that you're listening." Wilbur sighed. Dream nodded, placing his hands on his lap.

"So... What're you guys going to tell me...?" Dream asked in a worried tone. He was so anxious.

"So um... Mm..." Wilbur slurred his words. He turned his head to George, who flinched and looked at Sapnap. Sapnap nibbled on his bottom lip from the tension and looked at Fundy, who gulped and looked at Techno. Dream watched this, the actions they made did not help him with his anxiety.

"Guys! Just tell me!" Dream exclaimed, furrowing his eyebrows. He was a bit frustrated now. All of them flinched and looked at Techno, who groaned. "Dream, there's something we've been meaning to tell you... Well- nah, since this morning." Techno began.

"What?" Dream asked. "Dream we um..." Techno couldn't look at Dream, so he looked down. "Dream we like you!" George blurted, leaning forward in his seat. All of them looked at George, who awkwardly leaned back, looking down at his lap.

"Oh... Oh yeah, I know." Dream said causally. "No- Dream I don't think you understand- we're attracted to you." Wilbur explained, quirking in eyebrow and think Dream didn't quite know what kind of "like" they ment. "Romantically.." Fundy added.

"Yeah, I know." Dream shrugged.


"Wait- heh- really???" Sapnap questioned. "Uhm... Yeah? What kind of idiot do you take me for? You guys are all horrible at hiding it." Dream sighed and shook his head.

"Oh... Well this is awkward." Techno mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah, hah, kind of is." Dream chuckled.

"So... If you knew this whole time- why didn't you question us about it?" Fundy asked. "I wanted to see how long it you guys were going to 'hide' it before you guys told me, or either started killing each other for me." Dream said, air quoting when he said "hide".

"I was considering it-" Wilbur laughed. "Damn, was it obvious how desperate we were?" Sapnap muttered.

Dream shook his head and got up. "I'll have to admit... I feel the same for all of you guys too..." He smiled. All of them perked up. "Really??" Fundy asked, his tail wagging. Dream giggled, "Yes, really."

Sapnap got up and leaned forward to kiss Dream, though Dream stepped to the side. "Hah, none of you guys are touching me though." He chuckled. All of them whined, including Sapnap of course. Dream laughed and simply gave a peck to all of boys on their foreheads. All of them stared at him longingly.

"....Alright, get out I wanna go to bed."

Word Count: 1176

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