Chapter 14

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"What happened to your awkward side?"
"What awkward side?"

"Dude, you we're so awkward when we first met!" Dream reminded, head on Techno's shoulder as he played with the small pepples in the sand. Techno just shrugged, "I just got used to you." "Did you now?" "Yeah-p."

Dream narrowed his eyes then got an idea. He smirked and nuzzled Techno's neck. Techno eyes widened as he blushed and froze, an awkward laugh coming out of him. "U-um, Dream- Dream- stop it- I uh- this is- uh-" The poor piglin just continued stuttering as the blonde giggled and pulled his face away.

"Now what did you say again?" The blonde asked. Techno cleared his throat, "Hey! Hey, no! No, that was- that was the first bit of affection you've given to me!" He stuttered. "As if!" Dream scoffed.

Dream laughed, "You're cute, Blade." He hummed.

"...Scarily Handsome."
"Handsome, but scary."
"I'll take that."

Dream scoffed and rolled his eyes playfully. He got up, "I'm going in the water now." He said. Techno nodded, "Hope you drown." He joked. Dream scoffed, "What? So you can save me and be my knight in shining armor?" He chuckled. Techno chuckled and shook his head in amusement, "Whatever, go, dork." "You're the dork, but okay." Dream shrugged and walked off.

Dream walked to the shore, looking down at the small waves that lapped each other. He smiled and took a determined breath. Cautiously, he stepped into the water, shivering at the cold. He then got a thought. He hesitated, but shook his head and chuckled softly. He inhaled deeply and exhaled. He was going to regret this maybe. Most likely. Definitely.

But was he going to back down? Course not.

He then ran into the cold water, forcing himself under it, the cold engulfing him. He stood up over the water, letting out a sharp gasp.

"FUCK! IT'S SO FUCKING COLD! HOLY SHIT- FUCK, FUCK,  FUCK, FUCK-!" Dream yelled, hugging himself and blowing away salty water from his mouth. "Uh... D-MONEY? YOU GOOD?" Tommy called out. Dream didn't hear him and ran out of the water, breath quickened since the cold water made him feel as if he couldn't breathe.

His shouting had gotten everyone's attention, Dream's little five simps coming to him and asking if he was okay.

Dream shivered lightly as he listened to the men's worried babbling. Dream sighed out a small laugh, which got the others to quiet down. Dream held his stomach as he let out a half-genuine laugh. "Dream? Baby?" Sapnap giggled, putting a hand on Dream's shoulder.

Slowly Dream's laughs turned into fake sobs, "Holy fuck I'm so cold..." He muttered. The others laughed. "Oh shut up-" Dream spoke playfully.

"That's why I don't go in the water." George sighed. "You're a coward." Fundy said, sticking his tongue out at George. "No I'm not!" George snapped back. "I'll go in the water right now!" Fundy said, tugging off his black leather jacket. "Alright! Go! Go!" George yelled, "I'll drown you! I'll literally drown you!" "YOU WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO EVEN STEP IN THE WATER TO, YOU COWARD." Fundy yelled back.

Dream rolled his eyes at the two. "You two just stop." He sighed and shook his head. Both Fundy and George huffed and sent death glares at each other. Dream narrowed his eyes and turned, walking back to the water. "Hey! Dream, you're going back? You just said you were cold!" Wilbur called out. Dream laughed and turned around, "So?" He yelled back.

All of the five men went red when Dream slowly stripped off his wet shirt, exposing his tan and lightly freckled skin. "I have to go back in if I want to get used to it!" He shrugged and smirked, mentally laughing at the guys' reaction.

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