Chapter 3

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The three males exited the bakery, chatting. "Well, it was nice meeting you. I'm gonna go since I have some stuff to do at home, okay? Baaaaai." Techno said then walked away, not giving the other two a chance to say their goodbyes.

....We all know that was a lie.

You see, Techno didn't want to give Wilbur the satisfaction of knowing he actually took a liking of the dirty blonde. He didn't want to taste defeat and admit Wilbur was right about Dream.


Dream and Wilbur didn't want to say goodbye yet, so they decided to hang out at Dream's house.


"Wow it's a lot more cleaner than the last time I came here." Wilbur chuckled as he plopped down on the couch. Dream scoffed and sat next to him "Shut up."

They fell into a comfortable silence, both looking around the room. Wilbur was distracted by a painting on the wall, but then felt arms wrap around his torso, startling him. Wilbur looked at Dream who was hugging him. Wilbur blushed madly "Uhm- Dream..?" He mumbled.

"....Sorry, I'm just touch starved- I can stop if you don't feel comfortable." Dream said as he began pulling away, but Wilbur prevented him from doing so. "No, no, it's fine....I'm touch starved too..." Wilbur said.

It wasn't exactly a lie, he was, but it was more of an excuse to keep Dream close. Dream's cheeks blushed lightly. He pushed down Wilbur onto his back so that he could lay on Wilbur's chest. Meanwhile Wilbur was having a gay panic inside.

After a while he got more comfortable. He had an instinct to cup Dream's cheek, so he did and immediately realized how soft was. "Hey, what do you use to get your skin so...soft?" He asked, intrigued. "Hm? Oh uh- I don't use anything." Dream replied. "Waaah? So it's like that naturally? Cool!" Wilbur complimented. 'That's adorable...' Wilbur thought.

Dream got off  Wilbur "Hey about a movie?" he said. "HORROR!" Wilbur blurted. "Okay then." Dream laughed and got his phone. He scrolled through Netflix, looking for a horror movie.

"Hell yeah, we're gonna Netflix and Chil-" Wilbur couldn't finish his sentence before he began bursting out laughing. Dream blushed and punched Wilbur weakly as he also laughed. "Shut up! You fucker!" He yelled, slightly flustered.

Wilbur hugged Dream and continued to laugh while Dream continued to search for a horror movie. "Okay, Willy Wonka I found one." Dream said. Wilbur slowly calmed down, but didn't let go of Dream.

Fast forward later and now they were halfway through the movie. "This is pretty dumb, huh Wilbur?" Dream commented. "Kinda. But the jump scares are scary..." Wilbur muttered. "No they aren't.." Dream protested. "You're just dead inside-" "No I'm not!" "Mhm..."


"WILBUUUUUR! GOOOOOO, IT'S TIME FOR YOU TO LEEEEEAVE!" Dream whined trying to get out of Wilbur's grip. "GO SO I CAN SLEEP! PLEASE!" Dream whined. "No." Wilbur protested "Just go to sleep here."

"But you're here and I don't want to bored you out." Dream replied. "I'll be fine." Wilbur shrugged. "Fine."










The next morning, Dream never successfully got Wilbur to leave, so now he was in the kitchen making breakfast with a sleepy Wilbur looking through the fridge.

"Mmm.....Dream where'd the cow in the fridge go?" Wilbur asked. Dream nearly choked on his saliva,"WHAT?! YOU MEAN MILK?!" He wheezed. "Yeah, that." Wilbur nodded. "I ran out of milk and I wasn't able to go for groceries yesterday." Dream sighed. Wilbur whined and clinged onto Dream. "Geez you're like- drunk when your sleepy." Dream said. "Techno says that all the time..." Wilbur chuckled.

"Wouldn't blame him." Dream shrugged. "Okay, you want chocolate chip waffles?" He asked. Wilbur gasped and stood properly and saw the chocolate chip waffles on a big plate, nodding. "I've been wanting to use the chocolate chips I had left-" Dream said as he got two plates, and put two waffles on them each. That is when he noticed. ".....I made too many waffles."

Wilbur clapped his hands slowly. "Oh shut up..." Dream grumbled. "I didn't say anything." ".....You're....You're breathing too loud." Dream chuckled. An idea popped in his head. "Hey how are Tommy and Tubbo doing? Are they still staying with Phil?" Dream asked. "Hm? Oh, yeah they are. Also, yes they're doing good." Wilbur said as he got a fork from the cleaned dishes. He sat down at the dining table and stabbed the chocolate waffle "Why?"

"Maybe you can go there and give Tommy and Tubbo these other waffles." Dream suggested. "Oh yeah, good idea. Their gonna love the fact that there's chocolate in these." Wilbur laughed. "Mhm, kids right?" Dream joked. "Tommy would start cursing you out of he was here." Wilbur chuckled. "Maybe you can come with me to drop them off." Wilbur said, well more like asked. "Yeah, sure. I want to see those two demon spawns." Dream shrugged.


"Why'd I get this fork?"



Wilbur watched as Dream got ready, putting his sweater and mask on. His mind wondered off to the mask....the mask....why did Dream wear it all the time? "Hey Dream." Wilbur spoke. Dream hummed, indicating he was listening as he got his things. "Why do you wear the mask?" He asked.

The second he asked that Dream stopped dead in his tracks, which made Wilbur nervous. 'Did I say something wrong?' He asked himself.

Dream looked at Wilbur then at the mirror he had hanging above the desk there was in the room. "Um...." He muttered. "Is it a...sensitive topic? Uh- I'm sorry, you don't need to explain if you don't want to." Wilbur said nervously. "No, no it's fine." Dream excused. "It's was a gift from my father." Dream said. " about it makes it something touchy?" Wilbur asked, he watched as Dream bit his lip.

"He...." Dream inhales deeply then exhales before continuing, "died in a fire that happened when I was younger."

Wilbur's eyes widen as he regretted asking about it. He was quick to put a hand on his shoulder as comfort. Dream smiled sadly and sighed. "Anyways, we should get going before the waffles get cold." He said.

Wilbur nodded.

Word count: 1068

I've been laughing for fucking 5 minutes at the song "Mask-Sus version" I SWEAR TO GOD-

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