Chapter 8

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I made the picture above c:
What's Techno thinkin' about?
'Remember when you poured salt in to your coffee instead of sugar, but you drank it anyway because you didn't want to admit you made a mistake?' 'Dude, stop.' 'What? It's funny!'

I literally had the idea at midnight, then wrote it down for me to draw the next day XD


This was the day. The day Dream will learn not only to look badass with a sword(Which is going to be wood but- pffffft-), but even know how to use it!

Dream was waiting for Techno at the same bench they met at. Calmly scrolling through photos on his phone. 'I wonder what's taking Techno so long....' He thought.


'Maybe Techno can do something with his hair to impress Dream-'
'Don't you remember what Dream said? Dream already likes his hair the way it is, unique.'
'I agree.'
'Maybe just a little braid?'
'It'd look nice, c'mon.'
'I know what's best for Techno. So it's a no.'
'You guys are no fun.'
'This isn't supposed to be fun, we're trying to make a good impression on Dream because Techno likes him, doesn't he?'
'He does?'
'Hah, gay.'
'I don't think this Dream guy cares he seems pretty chill.'
'True, but we can't take any risks'

Techno listened to the voices in his head, annoyed. He spent half of his time getting distracted by their chit-chat instead of actually getting ready. He was now walking to the spot he and Dream were supposed to meet up at, thinking of an excuse to say on why he was late. He lifted his head up and saw Dream sitting on a bench in the distance. He blushed at the sight of Dream, staring at him.

His dirty blonde hair shined in the sunlight and blew in the light wind. His green eyes that both looked like beautiful emeralds and peridots. His freckles that were scattered on his cheeks, them looking like stars. His kissable pink plump lips. Dream was beautiful. Techno has never and I mean never been so attracted to someone, but here he was, fantasizing over Dream.

'Aaaand we lost him.'
'My guy, snap out of it.'
'Not gonna lie Techno did good, Dream be lookin' fine.'
'Guys shut up.'

Techno blushed harder as he realized what he was thinking. Techno cleared his throat and calmed down his blushing. He was still blushing a bit, but his pink tinted skin hid it pretty well. He took a deep breath before walking up to Dream. Dream looked up from his phone, smiling. "Hi, Techno!" He greeted. "Haloooo.' Techno greeted back. Dream got up, putting his phone away in his pocket as he asked "What took you so long?"

Techno quickly responded back with the excuse he made up, "Tommy." "Makes sense." Dream said with a laugh at the end. "All right, do we train right away or do something before all that?" He asked, tucking some of his curly dirty blonde hair behind his ear. Techno "thought" a while.

'What should Techno say?'
'I dunno, maybe do something before doing training?'
'I think they should just go straight to training.'
'Yeah, then they could do something after as rest.'
'No, but-'
'You know what, let's let Dream choose.'
'Ah, smart!'
'That's why I'm here.'

"Techno?" Dream tilted his head, snapping his fingers in front of Techno. Techno snapped himself out of it, "Well, what do YOU want to do?" He replied, throwing the same question back at Dream.

Dream hummed and put his index finger on his chin, in thought. "Hey, what about a game of manhunt? You know, for a warm up I guess." Dream asked. Techno raised an eyebrow, "Manhunt? What's Manhunt?"

"It's a game me and my friends made up. We play it a lot. Manhunt is- says in the name. Manhunt, hunt the man. It's like tag! But more extreme!" He smiled. Techno smiled at Dream's excitement. Techno straightened his posture and crossed his arms, smirking smugly, "Alright, let's do it." He said. Dream nodded.

Dream then began walking a random direction. Techno followed, confused. "Dream, where are we going?" He asked, seeing a forest of trees in the distance. "We're going to the woods! It's where me and my friends play the game!" Dream explained. They then made it to the woods, they continued walking, passing a few trees. Techno squinted his eyes and nudged up his glasses, "I feel like something is going to happen and this is just foreshadowing." He spoke, suspiciously. "What? Noooo, it'll be fine." Dream shrugged.

Dream suddenly stopped, Techno doing that same. Dream turned around, a small smirk on his face. He adjusted his mask from the side of his head to over his face, tightening the straps.

They both stared at each other, waiting for the other to make a move. Techno stared into the mask's small beady eyes, feeling somewhat intimated by the wide grin the mask had.

Dream suddenly pushed Techno before running off. Techno stepped back from the force Dream's push had to avoid falling then huffed and ran after Dream. He was surprised at how fast we was. Then became more surprised at Dream was able to jump over logs, big rocks, etc- with such ease. He expected this, I mean- Dream did say he played it a lot with his friends. But to actually seeing Dream doing this was fascinating. But him also being skilled, caught up to Dream.

Dream heard heavy footsteps from behind him and panicked. He tried to speed up. Unfortunately, he had to slow down because he was going to fall over if he kept running in that speed.

He was panicking, a lot. Knowing that Techno was RIGHT behind him freaked him out, making him slow down. Dream already knew he was going to get caught, like how would he escape this? There wasn't anything in their surroundings that would help him out except just some spindly branches and semi-large

An idea popped in Dream's head. He began looking around, his eyes landing on a large rock in the distance. He began running to the direction of the big rock. Techno was confused, Dream was only going to get trapped in a dead-end. When they were almost there, Dream began to pick up the speed. Closer, and closer the rock came.

Dream built up enough speed so that he can launch himself up onto the rock. He did it quickly so Techno wouldn't grip onto his leg and pull him down. Techno stopped running, almost running into the rock. He looked up at Dream, now understanding why he ran there. Dream looked down at Techno, smirking. "Who has the high ground now?" He smirked. Techno chuckled. "Smart."

Dream shrugged, "Thank you." He responded. "Now you can get down, I give up." Techno said.

'Wait, give up?' Techno thought to himself. Was he really submitting to Dream and let him have the win? He never did that.
"Haha! Boohoo, Cracker!" Dream laughed. "Boohoo, Cracker?" Techno repeated, confused. "It sounded good in my head." Dream shrugged. They both fell into silence.

"Dream? What are you doing, get down." Techno spoke.
"I can't."
"Wait what?"
"I can't get down."
"Shut up and help me!"
"Who said I'm going to help you, nerd?"

Techno put his arms out, waiting for Dream to jump down so he can catch him. Dream sat on the edge, then slid off, letting out a small shriek. Techno caught him, his arms wrapped around his waist. Dream blushed a bit, Techno also blushing though his face showed no emotion.

"Okay you can put me down now-"
"Oh right-"

Word count: 1332

I was eating bacon while finishing the end.

Also here's a typo I made while making this, I thought it was funny so here c:

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