Chapter 9

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Dream and Techno began making their way out of the forest, staying silent. At least that was until Techno heard a heard a small yelp from Dream. Techno quickly turned his head to Dream, "What?" He asked. He noticed Dream's hair had gotten caught up in a branch. "Oh."

Dream tugged and untangled his hair away from the branch. Techno squinted his eyes, "You should probably tie up your hair into a ponytail or a bun so it won't get as tangled..." He suggested. "Y'know I've been thinking of cutting it lately, it's a bit too long." Dream said, brushing out his hair with his fingers. Dream's hair was just a little past his shoulders. Techno got a bit ticked off from Dream's statement. "No, just tie it up, Nerd." He insisted. Why did this bother him so much? Though he wouldn't admit, he liked Dream's hair as it is. He liked his mid-length hair. Well, he did have really long hair himself.

Dream chuckled at Techno's response, "Okay then." He shrugged. "Do you have a hair tie or something?" He asked. "Not currently, no." Techno said as he continued walking forward, Dream following. Dream just shrugged and continued brushing out his hair before just giving up and moved his hand away.

They just continued walking forward. Once they made it out Techno began leading Dream somewhere else. Dream was about to ask where they were going, but then recognized some things from the route they were taking, they were going to the place where Dream followed Techno to.

They finally made it and walked to the exact same tree from the last time they were there. Techno took out a wooden sword from a sheath covered by his cape, tossing it to Dream. Dream reacted quickly and caught it, eyes beaming with excitement. 'Good reflex.' Techno noted in his head. Techno never saw anybody ever be excited about just a simple wooden sword. Though Dream's expression just spoke for itself. Techno couldn't help, but smile at Dream's animated behavior.

Techno took off his cape and hung it on tree's branch, feeling slightly relived without the extra weight on his shoulders. Techno rolled up his sleeves, "Alright, let's start."


Dream laid on the dirt floor. He panted lightly and wiped some sweat off his forehead. They have been training for about an hour and a half, which obviously had exhausted Dream. Techno sat next to Dream on the ground, smoothing out his hair that had gotten ruffled during that hour and a half.

"You're pretty good for a beginner..." Techno spoke, breaking the peaceful silence between them. "Thanks.." Dream chuckled, sitting up. Dream got up, stretching out his arms. Techno closed his eyes, resting his muscles after them being tense for a long time. Suddenly he felt his crown being taken off his head, his eyes snapping open. He got up and turned to see Dream with his cape on and his crown in his hands. Dream placed the crown on his head, "Woah, these are pretty heavy." He commented. "You have robbed me." Techno said dramatically. Dream laughed and wrapped the cape around himself, feeling himself heat up because of it.

A scent lingered off the cape, Dream didn't know how to describe it. It was a good scent though. "Alright, Nerd give it back now." Techno said, reaching for his cape. Dream stepped back, shaking his head. Techno straightened his posture, only being a literal inch taller than Dream. "Are you trying to intimidate me?" Dream asked, quirking an eye brow with a small smirk. Techno narrowed his eyes, staring daggers into Dream.

Dream laughed, "You can stop now, it's not going to work." He said. Techno sighed and picked up his sword from the ground. Dream leaned down with his head tilted up a bit to prevent Techno's crown from falling onto the ground. He got his wooden sword and got up, though had to use a bit more force to get up because of the cape. Dream groaned and slipped off the cape. "Here, it's too heavy for me." He said, chuckling softly. Techno's eyes went half lidded as he took the cape out of Dream's hands, putting it on. "And the crown." Techno reminded, pointing at his crown that rested on Dream's ruffled dirty blonde hair. Dream pouted, "Fine." He muttered, taking off the crown and giving it to Techno.

Techno felt somewhat guilty as he saw Dream pout. Techno sighed, "Actually, you know what. You can have it for a little longer." He said, handing the crown back to Dream. Dream smiled at Techno, "Thanks, Blade." He thanked. Techno froze and blushed, "Blade?" He questioned. "Well, I wanted to give you a nickname!" "And you choose 'Blade'?" "You're name is Techno-Blade. So yeah! Blade!" Dream explained, shrugging after his explanation.

Techno chuckled and shook his head, "Fine, you can call me that." He said. "Yes!" Dream muttered to himself. Techno chuckled again and undid his hair, letting his pink hair fall down and end at his mid-upper thigh. Dream was amazed by Techno's hair length. "Woah..." He muttered. Techno's pig ears had picked up Dream's astonished voice, turning his head to Dream and quirking an eyebrow. "What?" He asked. "Your hair!" Dream said, walking to Techno and gently running his fingers through Techno's hair, avoiding the tangles in it.

Techno blushed and chuckled. "It's so long and pretty!" Dream praised, raising one of his hands to play with his own hair. "Thanks." Techno replied. Dream moved his hand away, now playing with his own hair. "Mine's really short compared to yours." He said, a slight tone of jealously in his voice. Techno put a hand on Dream's shoulder, "Hey, you're hair is just as pretty as mine. Trust me." Techno said. Dream blushed lightly and chuckled, "Thank you." "You're welcome, Dream."

Word Count: 1025

Aha! I got chapter over 1000 words!
Anyways, thank you for reading, I am so sorry for the long wait.
Next chapter will be about Dream and George. I don't really ship DNF so let's see how I do with it ¯\_()_/¯

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