Chapter 6

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"Okay, I can do this. It'll be fiiiine. It's fiiiiine. Definitely..." Fundy talked to himself quietly. "If he rejects you, then...then's whatever ahahaha..."

Fundy turned his head to his phone, gulping. He picked it up and went to his phone contacts, scrolling down seeing a name. "Dré"

He stared at the name for a while, hovering his thumb above it. He hesitated and thought. He bit his bottom lip and looked up at his ceiling. What would he even say? "Hey Dream! My lov-" No, no, he couldn't say that. His fantasies took over him for a moment. Oh how he craved to call Dream his. He wouldn't have to constantly stumble on his words or cut himself off from saying "Babe"

Fundy sighed and with hesitation, tapped on the name. The phone rang as he put it on speaker. He looked around his room while waiting until he heard a voice. "Hello?"

Fundy's tail wagged from hearing the male's voice. "Hey! Uh- Dream!" He said. "What do you need?" The voice asked. "Um- so uh. I was wondering if you were available todaaaay-..." Fundy entreated as he looked out his window. "Um...Yeah! Yeah I am!" Dream confirmed. "Oh! Okay, good sooooo, I was thinking if you wanted to hang out today or something. Y'know since we haven't seen each other in a while, besides two days ago at the bakery." Fundy asked.

He heard small mutters before he heard Dream talk again "Sure! That'd be nice." Dream agreed. "Okay! So what do you think about watching a movie?" "Oh hell yeah!" "Hah...Okay, come over to my house." "What movie will it be?" "Uh...Treasure Planet?" Fundy shrugged. "Mmmm, yeah!" "Okay, cya." "See you later!"

Fundy hung up, immediately hugging his pillow as he celebrated in his mind. His house was pretty clean, so he skipped that. He walked out of his room then went to the living room. He looked around, "Now, wait..."


"With Fundy?" "Mhm." "Why him?" "Why not?" Dream talked back. "I thought we were goning to spend time together today." Sapnap's voice came out of Dream's phone, obviously having a disappointed tone to it. "You haven't asked me." Dream replied, brushing his hair, tensing as the brush tugged on the tangles in his hair. "When did he call you?" Sapnap asked. "A few minutes ago." Dream said. "And it's 11:42 AM! Who's up and active at that time?" Sapnap agured. "Not you." Dream laughed.

"George would agree with me." Sapnap pouted, of course Dream couldn't have known. "That's because he's tired all the time."

"What are you two even going to do?" Sapnap asked. "Watch a movie." Dream replied. "What movie?" "Treasure planet." "What?! C'mon Titanic is more of a romantic choice." That caught Dream off guard. "Romantic? Who said this was supposed to be romantic?" Dream questioned.

Sapnap realized what he said, "Uh- no I meant better movie choice, I was thinking about the movie genre while talking and mixed my words up." He excused. "Hm..I thought Treasure Planet's trailer was good." At this point Dream was making up lies to have Sapnap stop complaining. Fortunately, it worked. Sapnap just muttered random stuff. "Why is George always so tired?" "Now we're back to that?" "No, but really why?" "Only God knows." Dream sighed. "Then I should know." Sapnap said smugly. Dream scoffed "Oh shut up."

"Hey we should get Gogy in this call!" Sapnap said. "Try to add him, let's see if he's even awake." Dream chuckled. Sapnap added George to call, waiting for him to answer. Surprisingly, George did. "Hey Gogy!" Sapnap greeted. "Mmm...Hey.." George mumbled. "Wow, I didn't expect you to pick up." Dream said, amused. "Why'd you guys even call me?" George asked. "Oh, Dream's going over to Fundy's to watch a movie." Sapnap said.

George suddenly sounded wide awake from that sentence, "Wait- what?!" He exclaimed. Dream sighed, "I don't know why you two are complaining about it..".

George couldn't admit that he didn't like the fox because of how flirty and close he was to Dream, so he said the same excuse Sapnap did. "I thought we we're hanging out today!" He complained. "We hung out yesterday!" Dream riposted. That made George stay quiet for a while before he spoke again. . "I don't like Fundy..." He murmured. "What'd you say? You mumbled I couldn't hear you." Dream told the other. "Nothing, nothing..." George sighed.

It was silent for a while as Dream got his wallet and keys. Sapnap broke that silence, "Hey Gogy, why are you so tired all the time? Me and Dream were talking about that earlier." He asked. Dream was going to say something, but kept his mouth shut, wanting to hear George's response. " reason." George replied, sending disappointment towards the other two. "That was utterly disappointing." Sapnap muttered, Dream humming in agreement.

"Why do you guys want to know so bad anyway?" George questioned. Dream listened to George's and Sapnap's conversation while he drove to Fundy's.

"You probably listen to ASMR to go to sleep." Sapnap teased. "I do not!" George exclaimed. "WELL THEN ANSWER MY QUESTION OR ELSE WE'RE JUST GONNA SAY THAT YOU LISTEN TO ASMR!" Sapnap yelled into the mic. "What's so bad about ASMR?" Dream chimed in. "So now we're talking about ASMR?" George asked. "Yeah, and the fact that you listen to it." "I said I didn't" "WELL THEN TELL US!"

Dream shook his head, chuckling. Soon, Dream made it to Fundy's house, parking in front of it. "Okay, I have to leave now, byyyyyye." Dream said. "WAIT DREAM WAI-" He hung up.

Dream realized that he didn't let George finish his sentence, but just shrugged and walked to Fundy's front door.

Meanwhile George groaned at what Dream did. George knew that their were other guys simping towards Dream, but it was Fundy that made him boil with anger. Fundy. He already occasionally flirts with Dream, and now that they're gonna be alone together? Somethings bound to happen between to two. That's why he's gonna take his shot to Dream's heart right after Fundy's.

And he's not going to miss.

Word Count: 1054

George vs. Fundy
Who will win?

School's coming up, so I may have to delay my updates, sorry :c

Also random question, what do you guys think about like- a Dream Harem One-shot book?

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