Chapter 11

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"ARE YOU SEEER-" Dream got cut off by his own laughter. Sapnap blushed out of embarrassment. "Shut up! How other way was I supposed to take that when George sends a picture of you too cuddling and saying 'I sLEPt wiTh DrEAm'?!" Sapnap reasoned, saying George's text in a mocking tone.

George was laughing along with Dream. Dream was clenching his stomach, struggling to breathe through laughter. Sapnap rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.

Dream calmed down while George kept on his laughing fit. Sapnap scoffed and grabbed Dream's wrist, pulling him up from the couch. "C'mon, Dream! Let's leave this fucker!" "Wait what?" Sapnap huffed and dragged Dream out. He slammed the front door closed once they were out.

"Did... Did we just leave George?" Dream muttered, processing what just happened. "Yeah, and now you have to spend time with me!" Sapnap declared proudly. "With you? No, no, I'm going back inside." Dream teased, walking to the front door. "HEY!" Sapnap yelled. Dream laughed and stopped, turning around, "I'm kidding, I'm kidding!"


Sapnap unlocked the front door to his house, opening it and standing to the side. "Guest first." He said, smirking. Dream punched Sapnap's arm gently, "Wow, how generous." He joked.

Dream sat on the couch, "It's way more cleaner in here now... Still a dump." He commented. "Oh shut up! Says you!" Sapnap snapped back. 

[ Aha, Sapnap snapped. ]

"I'm kidding! I'm kidding!" Dream laughed. "Tch."

Sapnap sat next to Dream, sighing. "...So why were you at George's house, hm?" He asked. "He just texted me to come over, why?" Dream replied. "Ah... No reason." Sapnap shrugged. Dream hummed in response. Sapnap really wondered if something happened between him a George.

"Okay, Snapmap, what do you wanna do?" Dream asked, crossing his arms. "Don't call me that." Sapnap said with a glare. "Hah, whatever. What do you wanna do?" Dream asked again. Sapnap shrugged, "Dunno." "So, you invited me not knowing what we're gonna do?" Dream said, unamused. "Oh, look who's talking." "Hey! I don't do that!" "If you don't count just sitting in silence while you think of an activity, then I guess." Dream stayed silent, trying to make up a comeback, though he couldn't. "....Touche." He said in defeat.

"Hah." Sapnap teased, scooting to Dream and laying down, his head on Dream's lap. Dream's hands slowly go to Sapnap's hair, running his fingers through it. Sapnap sighed and closed his eyes. Sapnap smiled at the calm feeling he was having at the moment. These are the moments he loved with Dream. Seeing Dream having these "moments" with George always made him jelous. It was nice having them to himself for now.

"Sapnap..." Dream whispered. Sapnap opened his eyes though kept them half lidded, "Dream..." He whispered back. They made eye contact as a light blush grew on Sapnap's face. "Sapnap I'm..." Dream leaned down to Sapnap. Sapnap was surprised, 'Could this be it?' He thought to himself.

"I'm... I'm bored." Dream said casually.

 "I... Oh my- GOD! DREAM, WHAT THE HELL?!" Sapnap complained, sitting up as Dream laughed his ass off. "Oh my fucking god-" Dream wheezed. "You're reaction was fucking priceless- oh my-" Dream continued to laugh while Sapnap gave him a glare. 

After Dream stopped laughing, he looked at Sapnap. "What's wrong Snapmap?" He said in a teasing tone. Sapnap immediately pinned Dream to the couch's back rest. "Call me, Snapmap again.. I dare you." He said, trying to be threatening. Dream lightly blushed. "Oh woooow, look at you. Trying to act all tough now." He giggled. "I swear- Dude just shut up or I'll kiss you." Sapnap threatened. Dream laughed, "No homo." He snickered. "Yeah, no homo." Sapnap shrugged.

My motivation is back boooois, expect the updates to come uwu

Word count: 627


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