Ch-9 When Sean gets his share of Ethans anger

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Ethan's POV

"What do you mean you want to go home? You are home Ethan?" Amy asked. I felt bad since Amy really cared about me. She also loved being here and i didn't want her to go back to our home town because of our bills here. "I want to go home home." I cleared, hoping it didn't hurt her that i wanted to leave. "You mean Maine?" Amy asked softly. I looked at her to see how she felt. "Are you mad at me? For wanting to leave?" My eyebrows srunched up a little. "Im sad, but not mad. They hurt you. If you want to leave the country I'd say do it." Amy answered softly, smiling as one tear fell slowly down her face. I wiped it away and leaned in to hug her. We held eachother for a moment before she got up asking if i was hungry.

"let me make us some food, then we'll start packing." Amy smiled. My smile was small but it was enough for her to know that I appreciate her.

When we got to the kitchen, there was a knock on the door. Amy and I were confused. Mark had just left. He knew I needed my space.

"Is it mark?" I asked Amy who walked to the door and looked through the peephole. "No It's Sean" Amy looked back at me. She didn't open the door, her eyes were asking if I wanted to see him. My hesitation almost looked like a no but my head nodded instead.

She opened the door slowly. Sean's face was soft, sympathetic. He looked at Amy almost asking with his eyes for me but his attention quickly turned.

"I'm so sorry" he started. Instead of staying calm like I planned. My face felt hot and the anger flowed back. "You're sorry? For what? Getting caught?" My voice increasing in volume as I continued to speak.

"Ethan can you keep this inside. I don't want to bother anyone?" Amy asked softly. I was mad but made sure not to express it on her.

"Follow me" Sean listened and we ended up In my room.

"I'm sorry Ethan. I didn't mean for it to turn like this. I just saw what you and mark were like. After breaking up with my girlfriend, I was desperate for love again. My intention wasn't to hurt you." He pleaded.

"G-d I hate this" I muttered to myself with gritted teeth. "You're only apologizing after you were caught. You would've kept it a secret." I explained. Sean's eyes were filled with worry. He's probably worried I won't accept his apology or whatever.

"I was just jealous. I wanted to win you over and I knew mark wouldn't let me also flirt with you and stuff unless I made it a challenge. I regretted it as soon as I said it but Mark seems to like the idea. I'm so sorry Ethan" Sean's voice cracked a little at the end. He took a step closer but my body fell back on my foot. Sean noticed I wanted distance and took a step back to where he was.

"You need to go." I was tired of getting angry and feeling hurt and betrayed. "Bu-""please leave Sean" my voice shaky. A tear slid down my face and hung on my jaw before ultimately falling on my shirt. He nodded. His eyes out of focus. Without another word, Sean also left.

My body dropped to the floor and m back leaned against my bed. My arms wrapped around my legs and my head rested on my knees. Tears fell again like a waterfall. But my cries were quiet so Amy wouldn't notice.

The smell came through the doorway as Sean hadn't closed the door. Before Amy had a chance to check up on me, I stood up and quickly walked into the bathroom.

First I washed my face but then decided on showering. I wanted marks touch off of me. Sean's touch off of me too. I felt dirty.

My mind was still on the situation, I hadn't realized that the water was burning my skin. Surprised that I hadn't realized, I changed the water to something warmer.

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