Ch-14| When It's Amy's Birthday

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It was Amy's birthday today. But it wasn't the reason I was nervous. The date with Mark was tomorrow where I was going to make it official with him. I made sure to plane the date after Amy's party beacuse after making it official, we will not leave eachother alone. It felt nice that Mark hasn't presured me. Yeah he made little comments but that was only because he cared for me as much as I cared for him.

"Happy brithday Amy!" I yelled when she entered the kitchen. Her favorite breakfast was on the island counter. She smiled and came to hug me. "Thank you Eth." She kissed my cheek before going to sit down. "Aw you even made the banana pancakes. I know how much you hate to make them." I smiled since she was being so nice. "The trouble i go through to make you happy" I teased. Amy laughed and threw a chocolate chip at me.

"So what do you want to do today?" I exlaimed. "I thought Derek was gonna spend the day with me but he told me he had to work and couldn't get out of it." Amy frowned at the lie her boyfriend told her. Mark and Derek were planning the surprise party at Mark's. "It's okay, I told Mark I was spending the whole day with you, so you have me to be with" My smile warm and reassuring though she was going to have the best surprise.

"OO! What if we get another tattoo together?" My excitement startled Amy but she chuckled. "We could but i feel like we wouldn't be able to do other stuff with an injury." I nodded agreeing. "We'll is there anything you want to do?" Maybe I should've suggested something in case she picks something that could take all day. Let's hope she picks something that will list till 3.

"Oo there's an animal fundraiser thing that one of my friends is hosting. She needs help trying to 'sell' the animals. We could go help?" Amy looked at me for approval. Only Amy would chose to do a fundraiser on her birthday. "That sounds like fun. Sure." I smiled. "It starts at 11 so we till have time to spare." Amy said as we finished eating.

"Then let's go shopping. Let me buy you something." I slightly begged since I wanted to get her something. She truly deserves it.

"Ethan are you gonna be my sugar daddy for the day?" Amy asked trying not to laugh. I laughed since it was almost true. "Hell yeah" I agreed which caused Amy to finally laugh. "So are we going to five star restaurants, and shopping sprees?" Amy's eyes looked a little too hopefull. "Amy im a youtuber with less than 200k subscribers. The five star restaurants will have to be mcdonalds and the shopping spree will have to be at dollar tree." I joked. "Can it TacoBell instead?" Amy asked, i chuckled and nodded.

While Amy got ready, I did too. I had enough to spend since being at home with my mom helped me save money for emergencies or whatever. Amy being a slight emergency. "You ready?" Amy asked from outside my dorr. "Yeah" I answered back then opened the door. Amy's smile made me smile back. "So where to first?" I asked since I basically forced her to shop for an outfit for tonight. "Lets go to Zara" Amy answered as i looked for the place on Maps.


"What about this dress?" Amy asked turning to me with a dress in front of her. I want her to wear something fitting for her party. "That's more for an out door event. Get something that is for like a club or something." My recomendation sounded suspitious but no clues were given. "But i like out door flowy dresses." Amy chuckled while putting the dress away. Since I felt bad that she had to put away a dress she liked. I got the dress while she tried on other outfits. "Do you have a bag without the name of the store? It's a gift for my friend and since theres only feminine clothes here, I cant lie and say it's mine." my request was polite and my smile was the same. The cashier stared at me, as if they were bored. "Well, why dont you just tell your friend to mind their buisness?" I blinked in an annoyed way, holding back an internal yell. "That would be easy if my BEST FRIEND wasn't such a close friend that i told everything to." I chuckled sarcasticlly. "Sorry, we don't have bags without the name of the store. Maybe go next door to Gamestop?" The cashier said and looked away, probably not wanting to help further. My eyes rolled but i turned to see if Amy had walked out the dressing room yet. Since she hasn't, I sped walked to Gamestop.

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