Ch-11| When A Bird Is Actually A Plane

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So they don't fvck but there is slight smut


My suitcases were packed with everything I brought plus some more items I wanted to bring.

"You ready?" Mark asked with a bright smile. My head nodded instead of verbally answering. After hugging my mom and the dogs, I got in the ride Mark had ordered.

As we got closer the the airport, I couldn't help but a notice a bird and a plane. It was fascinating me at how either could fly. "Where here Eth, let's go." His voice sounded more cheery. He was probably missing home. Probably as much as me.

The noise started to kick in and id notice the people rushing around. That is when my anxiety level started. Maybe I could control it before it gets to severe. I don't want people to think I'm weird for crying or something.

"Hey you okay?" Mark asked. His puppy eyes melted me but I nodded again. He smiled to assure me but I couldn't fully smile back. Instead I gave a half smile.

"Okay, so our flight is in an hour and a half. We might have to rush a bit but we'll most likely make it." Mark said a little quick before walking in. Since my anxiety is starting, I followed and tried to tune everything else out.

"You wanna hold my hand?" Mark suddenly asked. "Huh?" I asked focusing on him. "You're sweating a bit and I noticed your breathing." He said softly while holding my arms softly.

My breathing? I hadn't noticed it because of how hard im trying to focus on following him. Once I noticed my breathing, how quick and short it was, I panicked a little more.

"Hey hey, it's okay. You have me. You're okay. Just breath with me." Mark hugged me and started taking deep breathes.

My head was starting to feel light but I followed his breathing. It helped so much. My head felt normal again and mark looked at me.

"If you want to leave some other time, maybe when it's quieter, we can?" Mark asked still holding my arms softly. "No, now is okay." I smiled to assure him but I was still slightly anxious. Mark nodded and held my hand without asking but i didn't mind. It actually helped.

My suitcase dragged behind me with one hand and my other hand was holding marks. I took my focus away from mark who was walking to where we needed to go and looked at the people around me. Some people looked at me weird and I was confused. Did I look anxious? Could they notice? It made me panic a bit more till I noticed one person look at my hand holding marks and look at me in disgust. For some reason, it helped me not be anxious, but anger instead.

"Fuck you." My eyed widened. Mark stoped and turned to me. "What's wrong?" He asked before he started chuckling. "They're judging us." I pouted since I felt like I was being scolded. "Just leave them to be miserable together. As long as your happy, their sadness shouldn't affect you." Mark smiled and started to walk again, looking back at me a couple times.

After going through airport security and all that good stuff, we arrived where we had to wait for our plane.

It was slightly packed with the people also going to California. But not too much where it was chaotic. Mark was still holding my hand.

"I forget how anxious I get at airports." I explained since I felt bad that he had to deal with me like this. "You'll be okay. I'm right here." Mark squeezed my hand softly and smiled to reassure me.

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