Ch-13|When Somone Who Isn't Invited Shows Up

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It's been a couple weeks and Mark and I have gone on a couple dates. He's showed me he has changed. I haven't had an anxiety attack about Mark betraying me a week after our first date were he took me out everyday to different places we would love.

"Mark who and who is coming to the cook out?" I asked Mark who wore the ugliest outfit to my cookout/his pool party. "A couple of my friends and Amy and her boyfriend. Sorry babe, but you dont know many people." Mark teased at how lonely I was. My eyes rolled but I brought out the snacks we had incase no one wanted to eat the food Mark was currently begining to grill. It was for us since we were grocery shopping all day. "I have brought peanut free snacks per requested!" Amy smiled as she walked in the back yard through the side door. We hung out a sign since we wouldn't be inside mutch to answer the door.

"Amy!" I went to hug her though i see her all the time. "Hey Derek" i shook his hand as he replied with a hi back. Though he was technically my guest, he got along with Mark more and went to greet him with Amy. Amy came back after making fun of Mark. "So?" Amy asked as she sat on one of the many chairs we set out for guests to eat at. "So.. what?" i asked back, having no idea what she was asking. "Are you and Mark official yet? He keeps asking me to convice you but i keep telling him it's your decision." Amy smirked since she finally got her way. "I think im gonna make it official with him on friday." I smiled and turning my back to Mark so he wouldn't see me smile like an idiot. "Oh my god! Really?!" Amy squeeled in excitment. "Amy a little louder please, i think my mom didn't hear you" Amy rolled her eyes but apologized with a smile as she now spoke in hushed tones. "How are you gonna do it?" She asked as we walked to the cooler with me so Mark wouln't question why we're sitting together, huddled and whispering. "We have a date planned and it'll be so romantic to make it official then."Amy smiled warmly at my plans to woo my soon to be boyfriend.

"Amy you hungry yet?" Mark yelled with a piece of meat hanging from his tongs. "I ate earlier" Amy smiled again apologeticly. "I did not." Derek said as he put a plate infront of Mark. "Baby im hungry too" Mark nodded as he grabbed a plate for me.

(Hello, a note from your author. Im hispanic so the cook outs i have are probably different from other cultures and stuff. So what will happen in the story will be influenced from my life. If its weird or you want to imagine it different that is okay!:)

Soon more people arrived. Mark basically forced me as host since he was 'Man-ing the grill'. Since i didn't know some of Marks guests, my greeting was sweet and short. With the people I knew, it was easier to greet. "Ethan!" My head turned to see Felix. "Hey, Finally more people i know!" I joked. Felix and Martzia laughed almost understanding what i mesnt. "Im do glad to see you both again!' I hugged Martzia and gave Felix a brow hug. "Mark is at the grill if you want to say hi to him too." They nodded with warm smiled and walked to Mark who couldn't stop smiling. Mark was in charge of cooking and telling the guests the food we had and where the drinks were. I greeted them and Told them where mark was. lol

"Who invited you guys?" I pretended to be mad when i saw Bob and Wade. "Hey thats not nice!' Wade whined as we laughed. "Some guy named Mack i think?" Bob joked along. "Well Mack is on the grill if you want to say hi" My smile stayed as I bro hugged them too. We made sure to tell people it was a simple cook out/pool party. I see the guys enter in swim trunks and a shirt with the girls wearing pretty dresses. It was probably easier to wear a dress cuz the guys only had to take their shirts off.

Since the wave of people who arrived on time became less and less, i went and enjoyed the party with everyone. "Here drink this!" Amy said, handing me a red solo cup. "What is it?" I asked curious to who brought alcohol too. "Its strawberry lemonade flavored and you cant even taste the alcohol" When i took a sip, my face showed i was surpised since she was right. "Who brought the alcohol?" I asked. "Derek did. I sent him to bring Drinks like an hour ago and he just got back with so muvh for everyone." I sighed since i didnt want things to get crazy. Amy noticed my face. "I'll tell him to bring a bit out at at time so people dont go crazy." She smiled and turned back to Martzia who was talking to another friend. I looked around happy at my life.

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