the jock and the valedictorian (22)

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I am so sorry. I can't tell you how sorry I am that I haven't uploaded yet.

Chapter 22

Eight months later...

Andrew's POV:

"Andrew, we need to get to a hospital!!" Melanie yelled from the bathroom. "The baby's coming!"

Oh my god! The baby's coming...we're finally going to meet our baby!

After 30 minutes of getting her to the car, making sure that I had the bag, and making it through traffic, we finally arrived at the hospital.

They set Melanie up in a room because we found out that she isn't dilated enough. "We still need to chose a name for him or her." I said to her trying to get her mind off of the contractions. We wanted to be surprised of what gender our baby is.

"Jamie for a girl?"



"Because when we say her name I don't want people to think she is a boy."

"Andrew, come on.  A lot of kids have gender neutral name."

"Well, not my baby."

"Fine then, any name that you like?"

" about Josie?

She smiles, "Josie Reed. I like it."

"Not as much as I like Melanie Reed." We got married a few months after the accident.

"I do too. Mrs. Melanie Reed. " I love the sound of that.

"What about Josie's middle name?"




"Josie Jennifer. You see the problem?"

"Ann?" Melanie grips my hand tightly. She is having another contraction.

"Breath Mel. In out." It passes. "And by the way I like Ann. Josie Ann Reed."

"It has a nice ring to it."

"Now, for a boy. Maybe Arno?"

"It's that name too similar to its daddy's?" I can't help but smile every time hear or think that I am a dad.


"Too common."





"Any ideas?" She puts pressure on my hand, contraction. She take a deep breath.

"Jeffery?" Said acting like she wasn't in labor.

"Maybe. What about Scott, after your dad?"

"Jeffery Scott?"

"Jeffery Scott Reed...I am keen to it."

"Jeffery it is." She rubs her stomach.

Her doctor and a nurse walk into the room. "Okay, it is time to check how far along you are."

"So, do you guys know the gender of your baby?" The nurse asks.

"No, we want to be surprised." Melanie responds.

"What are you hoping for?"

"I want a little girl." I say looking at Mel, "One just like her mom."

"Yeah, so she can get pregnant in high school, I don't think so." She laughs.

"No, she will be as smart and as beautiful as you are." I giver her a kiss.

The nurse awed. "You are about 6cm dilated." The doctor says popping out from between her legs.

~Few hours later~

"Push Melanie push." The doctor tells her in the delivery room. It feels like she is going to break all the bones in my hand.

"Don't forget to breathe, breathe." I say going through the breathing exercises with her. "You're doing great babe. Just like that."

"One final push and you'll get to see your baby."

"I can't do it. Andrew, I can't push anymore. " She said breathless.

"Yes, Melanie, you can. I know you can." She looks at me unsure, grips my hand tightly again and pushes.

Next we hear is a baby crying, our baby. "Congratulations, it's a boy." The doctor says as he holds him out to us. Our little Jeffery.

******Sorry it is short but I haven't updated in  a while so I want to finally post.***

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2011 ⏰

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