the jock and the valedictorian(16)

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Melanie's POV;

I woke up this morning feeling like something big was going to happen today. I don't know if it was going to be bad or good. I just know that something is going to happen.

I got into the shower, got out. I get to take my time dressing for school because I don't have to tutor Andrew anymore. Graduation is less than a month away and I have taught him everything I could so, he is on his own: however it was more like I wanted to stop tutoring once I found out.

My mom doesn't know why we broke up. I'm embarrassed to tell anyone. I mean I could only get a guy if it was a bet. I know he says he loves me and I believe him.

But if this is all a joke I don't think heart can take it. I've lost enough already. I don't need to lose the love of my life, too.

I drive to school. I used to be able to pick Andrew out of every crowd but now when I walk down these hallways I don't see him. Unless he is avoiding me it's

hard to tell. But one thing that makes me happy; he didn't tell anyone. Nobody else knows, I don't have to worry about people laughing at me as I pass them or students whispering to each other even though I could hear them.

I stroll into my homeroom class; I sit in the back like I always do. No one bothers me well not until today. I pull out my book, Breaking Dawn. I love this book it's

my favorite. Anyhoo, I started reading when I hear someone clear their throat and say, "Excuse me, Melanie."

I look up from my book. Derek. "What do you want, Derek?" He glances at the students watching us. No one has seen him talk to me without Andrew being there

beside me. So, it draws attention.

"I want say sorry. I never would told him to do it if I knew you were so great."

I blush, "Thanks for apologizing."

"It's the least I can do. He actually loves you you know."

"He does?"

"Yes, he told me himself."

"Thank you."

"No need to thank me. I think you already knew that"

"Yeah, I did."

"Can't to see what happens at lunch."

"What's going to happen?"

"Wait and see."

"No fair."

"And ruin his surprise I don't think so. What kind of best friend would I be if I told?"

"You're right."

"Well, school is about to start."

"Yeah, I think people might be getting the wrong idea with us talking."

"Yeah, they might think that we're sleeping together."

"Pfft, like I would sleep with you."

"Ya' would if I was Andrew." And with that note he walks back to his seat as the bell for school to begin rang.

Now, I have to wait for lunch to come around and that isn't for another three hours.

~Three Hours Later~

I try to quickly make my way toward our cafeteria. Out all days, I had to stay after a class to clean up. So, I'm like six minutes late, I go through the double doors. It seems like everything is normal I get into the line. I buy a blueberry yogurt and a Honey 'n Oats bar. I sit at an empty table; I crush the bars up and put them in my yogurt. I'm too nervous to eat anything bigger. I eat it bit by bit.

I was starting to wonder if Andrew was actually going to do something when I hear, "Ladies and gentlemen can I have your attention, please." I see him standing

on his chair. "As you all have known I have been dating Melanie. You guys have must have been wondering 'why her' well I wish I could say it was for her

amazing personality but that's not it."

No no no no no nooo, please tell me he's not going to say anything about the bet. "I know she wants me to keep the reason a secret so, my lips are sealed. But

what I did to her was wrong. I am telling you all this because I'm practically begging her to take me back. I want her back; I'm sorry, Melanie. I want to take it

back. So, I am announcing what I once told you, I love you." I realize he has been looking at me the whole entire time.

"What do you say, Melanie. Can you forgive me?" Everyone is waiting for my response.

I get up from my chair and make my way over to him. I pull him down from his chair by his shirt and I kiss him. The cafeteria cheers and hollers.

I break the kiss, "I love you, too."

Andrew's POV:

She said it. She told me she loved me. She's mine again. I bring her lips back to mine.

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