the jock and the valedictorian(13)

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Srry, this chapter is long over due!

Melanie's POV:

The second time we had sex was nothing like the first. The first time he was slow, gentle yet urgent, rough. He was so into it. But the second time he was like blah, not into it, like he just wanted it to be over with. This time we had sex in the sitting position instead of missionary. I go to place him in me and he didn't want me to touch him. He just grabbed my hands and puts them on his shoulders. He gets inside me, I moan as I slide down his length. Not a sound from him, he's a moaner. I know this is the second time I've had sex ever but there is nothing the same from the first experience. It should be that much different from the first, right? Something's wrong, "Baby what's wrong? Am I doing something incorrectly?"

He just says, "No, you're a natural at sex." Then starts kissing my neck with his hands in my hair.

When it was over I sit on the edge of his bed, my back to him. I put my head in my hands. I feel undesirable, unadored, unable to satisfy him, and so embarrassed. I begin to cry. Andrew slides his hand up my back, "Hey, what's wrong?" I quickly wipe the trace of my tears away. I look over my shoulder; he's lying down under the blankets. I give him a weak smile and bring my head back around before the tears start to fall, again. "Nothing. I need to go."

I slip into my underwear and I hurry to clasp my bra. Then I pick up the rest of my clothes, I just want to get out of his room. I finish getting dressed in the hallway and I made a dash to the front door hoping no one would see me. Tears were streaming down my cheeks. I sneak back into my house and cry myself to sleep.

~The next day~

I went over to Andrew's house to talk with him and find out what's happening between us. I stood there before the doorway to the kitchen about to enter when I heard, "How long are you going to keep things going between you and Melanie? You know all you had to do was show you could get any girl to sleep with you and you did that." The guy laughed.

"It's nice to know that's all it was to you." I said showing myself.

Andrew whips out of his chair and stands before me. "Melanie, let me explain."

"No, you don't get to explain. I've heard enough." I turn to leave and he grabs onto my elbow.

"Wait, you don't know everything."

"I know enough." Then I walk away. I go up my steps then the stairs, to my room, lock my door. Pop in my 'Hospital' CD and turn the volume up all the way...

~That next morning~

My mom can sense when something is wrong. I think all mothers have this sort of ability but most moms just choose to ignore it. When I woke up there was a box of tissues and a gallon of mint chocolate chip ice cream sitting on my beside table.

I went down stairs and put the ice cream in the freezer. Then I want back upstairs to take a shower.

Once I was done I put on my robe and went to get my ice cream. There was a knock. I open the door without hesitation. Andrew. I shut the door in his face but his sticks his foot in the door before it could close. "Melanie, just let me explain!" he pleaded.

I just turn and start walking to the stairs. "Melanie, please hear me out." I stay quiet, climbing the stairs. "Will, you just stop!" I stop and face him. "Are you going to say anything?"

I shrug. I wave to him to have Andrew follow me. I finish my way to my bedroom. I sit on my bed and he stands before me. "I'm so sorry. I am such an asshole. I should have never taken him up on that bet."

"Wait! What bet?" I stand up. That got me to talk.

"Well, when you started tutoring me. Uh, Josh and Derek bet me that I wasn't good enough for you to sleep with me." He says in almost a whisper.

I punch him in the chest. "Ow."

"So, I fell in love and lost my virginity to you and you don't even care!"

"Fell in love?"

I ignore him. "Do you have any idea how humiliating it is for me to bare myself to you like that and to now find out it was for some fucking bet!? And now I know

why you were so out of it the second time." I say the last sentence more to myself.

"Out of it? What do you mean, out of it?"

"Well, you were there. Remember the differences between the two experiences?"

Andrew's POV:

All I remember is the way she felt and how turned on I got when she moaned my name. But, wait, the first time I recall where I was thinking that I had to take things slow and gentle, not do to anything that would hurt her. The second time wasn't as good as the first because before we you know, Derek was over.


"So, what's up Derek?" I sit down on the couch and he sits in the Lazy boy.

"Well, I got your message. I still can't believe she had sex with you."

"I know me either."

"So, here is the $200." He tries to give me the money.

"No, like I said before I'm not taking money for sleeping with her."

"She must have been really good. Was she?"

I get out of my seat, "Oh, God, Derek, why would you want to know?"

"Because if she's any good I might tap that." I grab onto his collar lifting him out of the chair.

"What did you just say?" I say angry.

"Whoa, calm down, dude, I wasn't serious." I let go of him and smooth out his collar.

"Sorry, man, you just can't say that kind of stuff to me." I run my hand through my hair. He looks at my bewildered.

"You fell in love with her, didn't you?"

"Yes, I did."

"Well, then it's majorly going to suck when she finds out."

"How is she going to find out? You're not going to tell her are you?"

"No, I wouldn't do that to ya. But I can't say anything about Josh."

"Okay, I'll talk to him."

Derek stands to up to go, "I'm happy for you. You're lucky to find love."

"I know, thanks, man."

~End of Flashback~

Through the whole second time I was thinking of what I did to her. And what would happen if she found out. I just wanted her to feel pleasure. "Sorry, I had a lot on my mind."

"A lot on your mind? Did you ever wonder what was going through my mind? How it felt for your partner to be out of it and not know why? Did you want to know

what made me so upset afterward?"

I remember, she cried after that time. I wanted to go after her when she left. But I knew she wasn't going to tell me what was wrong. "Yes, what made you cry?"

"I felt embarrassed because I wasn't able to satisfy you. I felt undesirable and unadored. Turns out I was right."

"No, you're not right. I want you just as much as I want you the first time. And girl, you can satisfy me, don't doubt that. I'm just an asshole for making you to feel

that way."

"You got that right, you are an asshole."

Silence. Like we've don't have anything let to say.

Melanie speaks first, "If you don't have anything else to say, I think you should leave." She won't look at me.

"Melanie," I turn her so she's looking at me, "I love you."

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