the jock and the valedictorian (4)

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Later that day.

Andrew's POV:

I was driving home from baseball practice. Practice was cut short because it was pouring down rain and it started thundering. I was pulling into my driveway when I see someone sitting in the Clarke's front yard. I get out of my car and notice it's Melanie. She's on her knees with her head held to the sky. "Melanie, what are you doing?" She looks like she has been out here for hours. I walk over to her, she still hasn't noticed me. I put my hand on her shoulder; Melanie just lowers her head and slowly opens her eyes. "Melanie, what's wrong? You need to get out of this rain or your going to get sick."

"I don't care."

"How long have you've been out here?"

"5 o' clock maybe." She shrugs.

"It's 7. Come on, lets get you inside." I hold out my hand. She just shakes her head. "You're soaking wet."

"I don't care."

"Come on. Tell me what's wrong." She shakes her head again. Then she stands and walks into her house. I follow her, "Melanie!" We're in her kitchen,

"Please, tell me what's wrong?"

"What's it to you? We've been neighbors since we were kids. You've never given a crap about me or what happens in my life. Why care now?"

"Because no one sits out in the rain for 2 hours if everything is going well."

"So? Can't I just have a bad day?"

"Yeah, if you have a bad day you talk to someone, go at a wall, cry, scream but you don't sit on your front lawn while it's pouring for two hours."

"Everyone that I love has left me." I wait for her to continue.

"How have they left you?"

"It doesn't matter anymore." She starts for the stairs. Probably to her bedroom.

"Yes, it does." I say as I follow her. She locks her door behind her. "Melanie, it does matter. Everything you do matters."

She opens her door in dry clothes. "I ask again. Why does it matter to you? Why do you care?"

"I...I don't know, but I do. We've had fun together; we had a jam session, I start as your slave tomorrow." We laugh.

"Yeah, you are right. Thanks. Can you stay with me, tonight?" I raise my eyebrow. "No, not in that way."

"Yeah, sure. But I'll need to change my clothes. Then I'll be right back." I go to my house grab some clothes. I change at her house. We get into bed together. She snuggles against my chest and whispers, "I found out that my dad died, today." I wrap my arms around her and pull her closer to me.

"That's some messed up shit."

She chuckles, "That is what I thought." I try to bring her as close to my as I can. I don't think either of us is going to get to sleep.

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