the jock and the valedictorian(10)

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Andrew's POV:

I spent half the night thinking of what I'm going to do. What am I going to say to get her to come with me? What if she doesn't want to come with me? What would I do then? Would that be a bad sign?

She needs to come with me! But would I be disappointed if we don't have the spark? Of course, I love spending time with her and more than just a friend. I mean I still can get a hard on when I think about her. Plus, I still have to..."So, Andrew what is your plan?" Fable asked me when we were eating breakfast.

"Well, when I see her I'm going to give a wave. See what her response is. Then I'm going to watch her body language throughout the game. And if the coast is clear I'll ask her if she would like to go for a picnic on the beach."

"You thought of that all by yourself?" He said surprised.

"Hey, I'm not as stupid as I may seem." I say in my defense.

"Yeah, you're not stupid for falling for a girl who is waaay smarter than you."

"What's that suppose to mean?"

"Just that Melanie is smarter than you and she won't fall for any of your bullshit."

~At the game~

Our opponents are the first up to bat. I'm the pitcher. Our team was walking onto the field when I saw her. She is looking straight at me; I give her a small wave. She smiles and waves back. That's a good sign, I REALLY good sign.

I pitched a no-hitter the first inning. Hit a home-run the second inning. I was on fire. I have an excellent feeling about after the game. Plus, I felt Melanie's eyes on me the whole time. I haven't played this good since...I don't know.

At halftime we were sitting in the dugout and I was icing my arm. The boy sitting beside me, Sammy Klein nudged me. He nods his head toward the fence by the dugout door. I look, Melanie. This is a very good sign. I walk over, open the door and walk to the fence. "Hey baby." She smiles at me. "I missed you."

"I missed you too, Andrew." I can't stop smiling. I think the spark is somewhat back.

I cup her face in my hands, "Can I kiss you?" She just nods.

An amazing feeling, her lips on mine. I've missed that feeling. Even if has only been less than 24 hours since I've seen her. Once we can up for air, "After the

game would you like to go on a picnic with me?" She seemed surprised, yet happy.

"Yes, of course."

"Are you sure we're not breaking any rules here?"

"There really weren't any rules."


"Except one."


"Kiss me." I happily obliged.

Melanie's POV:

I can't tell you how amazing I feel kissing him, again.

Maybe that's what we needed; time apart. But I still know that the spark isn't back completely however, it's almost there.

"Reed get off the girl and back into the dugout." His coach said causing us to break apart. The dugout was filled with laughter. I gave him a quick peck then

found my way back to my seat.

I can't take my eyes off him. I haven't since I first spotted him arriving. "So do you feel it, yet?" Fable said sitting down by me.

"Feel what?"

"Andrew told me about your guys problem."

"He did?"

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