18| Second Casualty

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Akira continued to follow the blood trail that was left by Jamo, Akame nervously following behind. She wasn't sure what he'd do. No one had really seen him this way, so this was completely new to her.

The two arrived at an open space, seeing a Gravekeeper chained on some sort of alter. His two arms were chained, the left arm chained to a left pillar with the right arm being chained to the right. Jamo stood behind the chained man, breathing heavily as his sides had stopped bleeding.

Akame: "The atrium..."

Jamo: (panting heavily) "Uncle Jamo made you two think he'd run away, but really, he lured you here."

Akira: "Hmm..."

Jamo: "Look! Meet my trusty teammate!"

Akame: "Why would you tie down one of your own like that...?"

Jamo: "Oh, don't get the wrong idea. Uncle's not tying up for the fun of it." (unlocks chains) "He can turn into a wicked beast. But his mind's so far gone from the transformation that's he's usually a threat."

Akame: (thoughts) 'Meaning he's the Gravekeepers' ace in the hole...can Akira...?'

Jamo: "Okay, boy. The boy and girl in front of you is an enemy. Rip them to shreds until not even their comrades can identify them."

The once restrained Gravekeeper then shifts and changes. It howled with anger, Akame readying her weapon, but Akira simply stayed still. He kept his straight and emotionless trained on the beast in front of him.

Akame: "Once we've defeated him, we'll have you show us to the captives."

Jamo: "Not gonna happen!" (thoughts) 'This guy's part of the boss's clan! He transforms into the same divine beast as the boss! Those faces of yours will be twisted in sheer terror before long!'

Back with Kurome, Natala, Gin, and Guy

The three captured assassins couldn't believe it. Guy laid in front of them, motionless. Blood was still seeping out from his head. Weneg had popped open a bottle, drinking it. Once he finished it, he throws it to the floor, licking his lips to get the remnants of the liquid.

Weneg: "Pu-haah! Rattlesnake liquor is so effective after a tough battle. It speeds up the healing process. Now then..." (thoughts) 'They probably can't fathom what just happened, but not that they've witnessed the curse at work, I'd better kill them all--except my wife.'

Before Weneg could take a step further, the ground in front of him had shifted up slightly, a wall forming in front of him. Weneg's eyes widened as he turned around.

Weneg: "He's still alive!?"

Despite his bloodied, seeping face, Guy was able to stand up and form a wall in front of Weneg, preventing him from going any further. Weneg punches the wall, but even with his strength, it barely did anything. It only created a crater into the wall.

Weneg: "What kind of stamina is this? The curse dictates certain death!"

Guy was on the other side of the wall, huffing and puffing. He was weakened. This may be his last stand.

Guy: "Th-That's what you get...just you wait..."

He tries to stand up, but as he does so, more blood begins to seep put of his head. Guy grunts in pain, the three restrained assassins watching, unsure of what to do.

All while this was happening, Weneg, on the other side, kept slamming himself against the wall, attempting to break it down. Guy knew he wasn't coming out of this alive. So he knew what he had to do.

𝐈𝐜𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐩𝐞𝐫 | 🄰🄺🄰🄼🄴 🄶🄰 🄺🄸🄻🄻! 🅉🄴🅁🄾【×】 🄾🄲Where stories live. Discover now