The Garden Of Souls

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A/N: this one was also written for the summer event. i got into Air Nation lore a bit and in honestly quite proud of this piece

Lin grunted as she turned in this awfully uncomfortable bed. She thought beds on the Air Temple Island were uncomfortable but this one at the Eastern Air Temple was her worst enemy. She tried to cuddle up into Kya who didn't seem to mind the hard bed at all.

„Good morning” Kya chuckled at Lin's stirring and grunting.

„I miss my bed” Lin groaned.

„Me too but don't be such a crybaby, Beifong” Kya chuckled again.

„Four loud kids and a stupid hard bed. I think I have reasons to be grumpy”

„We can always get up and go take a walk, it's awfully early in the morning and I doubt that anyone except us is up” Kya offered.

„I think I'd prefer getting some sleep,” Lin said.

„We could watch the sunrise together and hold hands like those cute couples in books” Kya convinced.

„That's cheesy” Lin scoffed.

„But it's cute. Come on, get up and go be cute with me” Kya chuckled.

„Fine but I'm doing it purely out of love, not because I enjoy the cheesiness” Lin emphasized before she rolled out of bed.

„Of course” Kya giggled and followed her girlfriend with getting up.

A few minutes later they were walking through the air temple hand in hand, breathing in the morning air and enjoying the views of the rising sun. They weren't talking, they didn't need to. Each other's presence was more than enough for both of them. They walked into some building that seemed unused, some exploring never hurt anyone.

Once they entered they were met with a sight of a beautiful indoor garden that was enlighted in different colors due to the stained glass. In the middle of it, there was a stone fountain-like table with many different ornaments carved into it. The walls were covered in various vines and flowers from the floor to the ceiling.

„Have you been here before?” Lin asked, her mouth agape.

„No. We'll have to ask Tenzin about it, it seems like nobody was here in a while”

„Yeah, but what is it? He used to babble about air temples all the time and I can't remember him mentioning something like this” Lin walked towards the table in the middle, wanting to examine it.

„Look” Kya pointed at the two plain square stone slabs at each side of the table. They were the only plain ones among everything else that had various decorations on them. „Let's maybe try standing on those” she offered.

Lin shrugged and took her place by the other side of the table. They waited for a second but nothing happened so they started examining the pictures carved into the surface of the table. It presented two people standing across the table just like they were now.

„Maybe it's an instruction? Something like the one your dad and uncle Zuko used to learn the dancing dragon” Lin said.

„It would make sense... Let's try following it” Kya offered.

„We don't know what it is... I'm not sure-”

„Stop overthinking” Kya cut Lin off. „Let's just do it”

„If it turns out to be something bad...”

„Shut up. It looks like we're missing stones here” Kya pointed out as she looked at the carvings.

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