The First Dance

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A/N: this one is definitely on more platonic side and is more focused on Lin's feelings about Tenzin a few years after their break up although kyalin friendship is there too

Lin looked in the mirror as she was getting herself ready for work. She made sure to look good but effortless since it wasn't a usual day at work, she was supposed to coordinate the security for a very significant event - Tenzin's wedding.

Katara told her that she could leave the security for someone else but she wasn't going to show any weakness. Although she had her place as the Chief of Police for over five years and gained the respect of her officers, she still felt like she needed to prove to the public that she didn't gain her place only because of her mother. What would be better than being in charge of security at your ex's wedding and taking it professionally, without a sign of emotion? Nothing. She just had to turn it all off and push it to the back of her head, it was the only way to get through all of this.

After leaving her apartment Lin made her way to the Air Temple Island, a few hours before the ceremony so she could go over the security check with Katara. When it was off of her checklist she had a talk with her officers and soon, the ceremony was starting.

Lin happened to be standing far away, trying to not make her presence known although she noticed the sympathetic looks she had gotten from everyone that was coming in.

When the ceremony started and she first saw Tenzin walk in she thought the room started spinning and that she might have a tough meeting with the floor. It wasn't that she still had feelings for him, she tried to erase his existence from her memory, and seeing him, wearing traditional Air Nation robes when he was about to get married gave her quite of a reality check.

Soon, the bride showed up and started walking down the aisle. She was walking alone what kind of made Lin calmer. She used to think Aang would walk her and after he died it was going to be Bumi who promised it to her, it was nice to know that the commander didn't just jump into the role when it came to somebody else.

Lin looked at the bride, all she knew about her was that she was way younger than Tenzin and they met two years before he broke up with Lin. Did he cheat on his used-to-be girlfriend with this child before? She'd never know.

Lin wasn't jealous, she liked to think she didn't care anymore but the second the bride exchanged looks and smiles with Tenzin it made her blood boil. Maybe that was jealousy? But why would she get jealous of someone who she hadn't talked to in four years?

The metalbender took a deep breath and shook her head. There was nothing she could change about her current situation, all she had to do was keep a straight face.


Once the ceremony was over, the reception took place at a different part of the island. Lin wished to stay away from the people that knew her so they wouldn't try talking to her, she was at work after all.

Unfortunately, she and Kya who seemed to finish eating quicker than everyone else caught eye contact and the waterbender decided to approach her old friend.

„Hello, Beifong” Kya greeted.

„Kya” Lin nodded putting on a fake smirk.

„How are you? You should eat something”

„I'm at work, I can't eat here” Lin explained.

„And who's hiring you? My mom? She'll probably come around to shove food into your face” Kya rolled her eyes.

„I'm ok, really. I don't feel like eating anyway because I might puke if I look at them one more time” Beifong scoffed.

„Want me to tell you about her?” Kya nodded in the direction of the newlyweds.

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